Part 4

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I walked out of the school going to the parking lot , Lina pulled my arm and slid hers in mine smiling widely.

" will you not take mating studies? It's complacery for everyone" , "I'll pass" she nodded.

We got to the car with Nate and Gary sitting at the backseat playing games on their phone " you drive Nat , here" Nate said giving me the keys.

" fine " I took the keys and drove " so who's this?" , " oh this is Gary" , "finally,  hey I am Lina" she stuck out her hand and he took it in his.

I could feel the atmosphere in the air change and I parked not knowing what reaction Gary would give , Nate and I could feel it but for some reason Lina was clueless.

Nat separated they hands " your hands are so warm" she said " mine to " Nate said.

" why did you stop?" I cleared my throat " uhmm I thought I hit something" I said starting the car again.

Gary stared at Lina the whole ride home while Nate stared at him , the tension in the car only the three of us noticed it seems my little sister had no idea.

We got home and mom ran to Gary immediately hugging him while dad hugged me they switched she came to me and he to Gary.

"Oh my babies are finally home come in" we walked in and sat down at the dining table.

" Gary sweety it's your birthday tomorrow we got you something we were going to get it delivered to the Academy but since you're here why not check it out you can get Lina to g.." , " I'll go with him" Nate interrupted.

" oh and we bought you guys an apartment" , " we know how uncomfortable you'll be here so we thought having your own space will be better" Dad finished and I nodded.

We ate over light conversations. When we were done Lina's friends came by and they went up to her room whilst we went to the garage.

" Don't do anything stupid" Nate warned Gary " she's still young , as much as I like to do it immediately I'll rather wait" Gary answered.

" you do know that will only put her in danger right?" I said the obvious.

" what do you mean?" Nate asked , " a unmarked Blankie mate is like a prize for all Blankies , once someone notices they will kill her so he doesn't find his true form and gains his true power" ,  " then mark her".

I chuckled " dude don't you ever read , I can't just mark her" Gary said annoyed " just mark her Nat can heal her" , I chuckled " it's not that simple they would have to mate" he scrunched his eyebrows " , " sex , sex , for fucksakes I'd have to have sex with her" Gary voiced annoyed and I chuckled.

" the fuck no!" Nate answered " if he marks her she without them having sex she will die from the power of the mark" , " then I think you should talk to her first I mean she didn't recognize you today , I think you should talk to her and see how she feels".

" that's because I masked my scent , I wasn't looking for my mate" , " why?" I shaked Nate and he stopped asking questions , I knew Gary wasn't looking for his mate because of what happen to his parents.

They opened up the garage and the where 2 black jeeps "we thought you'd like them black seeing how you always dress in black" dad voiced from behind us.

"Thanks Mr Brown" we both stated and he chuckled " please call me dad" we both ran a hand in our hair and he left us.

We spend the afternoon moving into our apartment " you guys are so lucky , I can only move in here after our birthday , but mom said I can sleep over on weekends"

We both just looked at him " no parties will be held here" I said " exactly" Gary agreed " aaah c'mon not even one ?" , " No" we both shouted " aaargh you guys are no fun" he sat on the couch.

We went to the grocery store and got some takeout for dinner too.

I got inside the house " maaaa" I shouted walking inside.

" yes darling" she said sitting in the library reading her book.

I walked to her " you look so beautiful today" she rolled her eyes " what do you want?".

" well mom please don't say you told me so I need your help because something happened and I feel stupid" , " honey you're rumbling,  calm down , and I told you so".

" mom stop teasing me " she chuckled as I laid down and put my head on her thighs she rubbed my scalp and I relaxed immediately.

" I meet a girl today , she's a twin and a blanky " , " is she your mate? Did she react?" , " mom no , I mean I don't think shes my Mate,  yes we clicked but not in that way , she didn't react she just told me I was stupid and said the next time we meet I should be more clued up, did I do something wrong?".

She sighed " well shes right you are stupid , she could have killed you in a flash , Twin Blankie are like Goddess without mates they hold great power , she will have a hard time keeping her anger checked so I guess the sweet helps her in a way , now that she is closer to her twin and by the looks of it he hasn't trained his power that means all the power lingering in him is making things worse for her , they can heal , they travel through telepathy and disappear from anywhere , they have great strength and the power of all 4 elements they can also shield themselves and those around them".

"But she looks so small , sweet and kind and cute" she chuckled " well if I had that power I would hide me too" , " why?" , " because that much power brings enemies she would have to live alone somewhere especially now that she hasn't found her mate , because if she does find him she could be the Goddess Queen" , " so that's why she didn't want to join the mating class, thanks mom , I'll be sure to read up on my history from now on" I said getting up.

" so did you look for your Mate today?" , " uhmm honestly no I got so held up today" , " was it her?" , I ran a hand on my hair.

"How's about I visit your school and help you search for your Mate? And also see your new friend" , " uhmm sure but like after a few weeks I want to get to know her first" she smiled " okay" I walked to the kitchen grabbing my lunch and walking up the stairs to eat it in my room..

I laid on my bed as I searched on Google for more info about a Twin Blankie, I don't want to lie she has me interested.

The Journey Of A Queen LunaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu