Part 10

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I woke up with a banging headache, still cuddled up to Nat , I smiled remembering what had happened last night.

" morning " she voiced out and I kept quiet " I know you're awake I can feel your scent change flavor" she turned in my grip looking up at me.

Okay this wasn't good why did this feel so good , her boobs pressed on my chest my breathing changed , shit she can feel me.

"Morning" I jump out of bed getting sweat pants and wearing them.

" breakfast?" I ask turning back to her " yes " she says getting out of bed , okay this isn't good she's wearing just a big tshirt her thighs are out , her butt cheeks are almost visible.

"Something filling or small" I asked " filling and big" she walkes pass me to her closet she walks in stands on her toes trying to reach for a white tshirt.

I walk in and stand behind her and get it , she tenses as she feel my member harden against her back.

I give her the shirt and run to the bathroom immediately.

Shit , I can't be with her without reacting to her now.

I throw cold water over my face , I do my business and go out , she's now dressed in black jeans , straight not baggy , with a baggy white shirt and her black n white all star , her hair is tied up with some falling out.

I grab a white plain shirt from her closet and wear it , I put on my white sneakers grabbing my clothes "let's go"we walked out and drove off to Sally's.

Luke walked in behind us " dude where did you disappear off to last night , oh hey Nat" he said looking over me " Lucky" she nodded.

We sat down , in walked an angry Lisa and sat next to him , we ordered our food and it came " so where did you go?" , " I got drugged last night" I looked at Lisa who tensed up " so I drove in the woods I didn't want to go home and affect my sister , so I ended up sleeping in my car jerking myself off , I was driving around and saw Nat so I invited her for breakfast" , Luke nodded " bro that's what I wanted to talk to you about last night I took one of your drinks and felt hammered , but I got mine handled by the girls immediately".

" you're awful quiet Lisa" Nat said taking us off guard she looked up at her whilst Nat just looked at her food eating not bothered.

"Is it guilt? Irritation? Or both" she added.

"I don't know what you're talking about" , " oh but you do , either you tell them or I make you" , I took a bite of my food.

Lisa nervously cleared her throat " I did it , I just wanted to have you to myself,  I missed you" , "so you drugged him? Do you know how hard that could've backfired? What if he craved someone else and went to them".

Nat stopped eating, realizing that's what happened,  did she really think that way?.

" what if he had someone he liked and went to her instead do you know what problems that will be for them? The girl might think he only wanted her because he needed to get rid of the drug?" Luke added.

I looked at Nat who kept eating her food , I knew she knew I was staring at her.

I took her hand off her thigh and she tensed up , I intertwined our hands and squeezed she calmed down immediately.

We both ate quietly listening to Luke , shout at his cousin.

Once done we were done we ordered our dessert , we ordered donuts and ate together.

Lisa got up and left , " so when did you to start being soo , what is it?" , we both looked at Luke " are you guys sure you're not mates I mean not to lie you do look good together" we just kept quiet.

He ordered his own dessert being chocolate cake Nat would now and then take a bite at it " I can give you the whole thing if you tell me who his mate is , I am sure you know" Luke finally said to her.

" he won't find her anytime soon and I don't know who it is" , " what do you mean I won't find her?" , "well for one someone has a spell over you , now give me the cake" she ate the cake.

She called home and asked Gary to bring Lina and Nate to play ground.

They arrived within minutes " why are we now friends with him?" Nate asked annoyed "you can go home , I initially wanted to spend time with Lina and I knew Gary won't like it so I had to bring him too , I just thought you'd be bored alone" Nat answered.

" plus I told you play nice with him and I'll tell you who your mate is " he rolled his eyes , " fine peace" he put out his hand for me " peace" he pulled away immediately " why is your hand burning me?" Nat chuckled,  " well that's cause of that spell over him , if you master your healing powers out of us you can undo it and he will personally tell you and deliver you to your mate" she said.

Gary moved forward and touched my hand "why can't you un..." he froze looking at me then her " I see " , "you see what?" , I asked curiously.

" we can't really talk about that here" he said.

We got in and played almost everything me and Nat kept challenging one another in the arcade.

We even raced , played hops , games , took pictures in the booths , it was fun everyone had fun.

It was now the afternoon Luke had Nathan on his back because he lost to him , Lina and Gary were doing well together and me and Nat , well we were me and Nat.

I gave her a lollipop as we were now on our way to the food court , Nat wanted cotton candy and I got her one but ate it with her instead.

Nathan kept rolling his eyes at eyes.

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