James pull blanket to cover up his naked body .

Net smirk: you are so cute . Is nothing to hide. We had fun last night .I see you top to bottom.

James face turns into red. And cover his face in blanket .

James: how shameless you are?

Net pull blankets down and kiss 💋.

Net : you are only mine. My wife .

James smirk: krub!

Net hands rolling in james back and sliding on his hips .

James push him .

James: why are you so horny all time?

Net smirk: is not my fault is your fault.

James: how ?

Net : why you are so pretty and sexy always provoke me to get horny.

James tap on his arm .

James getup and wrapped blankets in his naked body.

James: I have to take shower.

Net : can I join you?

James don't say anything and step towards bathroom.

James: I don't say no .

Net smiles and take james in his arms. They take hot shower together.

They get ready and go to the lobby where Tutor and yim wait for him .

James: good morning yim !good morning Tutor

Tutor: good morning James good morning P'net

Yim : boss I have to told you something to tell you .

Net: yes tell me.

Yim : Tutor you take james in canteen to eat something.

Tutor: krub !

Tutor and james went to the canteen.

Net : hmm tell me what happened.

Yim : Jack told me take care of you .they don't find kinn and Mack yet . They surely harm you again.

Net : don't worry I handle this myself. You don't tell this to james or neither Tutor.

Yim : yes Boss

They also went in canteen and joined james and tutor.

James: what happened is everything fine .

Net : yes yim asked me to some tips to satisfy his wife .

James tap on his shoulder.

James : eat now .

Net feel something is wrong.

Net : I come back I have go washroom.

Net message yim take care of James I find something. I am in hall

Net went to nearby hall .

Net : I know you are here .so out

One men come in black Hoodie and black mask and black glasses.

Net : oo he you bastard.

That men : oo you smell me like a dog asshole.

Net : why are you here ?

Kinn : I have to tell you something.

Net : tell me fast my wife waiting for me.

Kinn smirk: your wife don't tell you .that he is in my bed.

Net grapped her coller:

Net : what are you talking about ?

Kinn : your wife is soo sexy take care of him otherwise someone stole her .

Net leave his coller and said don't you dare to fool me again Jack already told me that you and Mack trap to kidnapped james before . I trust james blindly.

Kinn : oo hye James .

Net turn and find here is not james.
Net turn and see kinn is escape.

Net go to the canteen.

Kinn call Mack 📞

Kinn : hello Mack.

📲Mack: yes our plan is working.

Kinn: no Net don't trust me Jack already told her about you and me that we trap james.

📲Mack : what the fuck with this asshole Jack .

📲Mack : now we work on plan B .

Kinn : ok

Kinn cut the phone.

Here net sit on Chair and staring james.

James: what happened? You take so long time.

Net : I promise I protect you always.

And hugs him .

Tutor cough : we are also here .

James blushing.

Yim : I am here to protect you wifi.

Yim hugs tutor.


I hope guys you like this part.

Thank you 😊

Mafiya King fall in love with innocent boy ❤️ 😍 Where stories live. Discover now