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one week later

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one week later

               "girls, stay away from the roses!" their mother shouted from a distance.

"look at this red one, jae. it matches your shirt," juhee said, taking a petal off of the flower and putting it up to the small girl's shirt.

"don't rip off the petals! you're hurting it," jae gasped.

"hurting it? it'll live, jae," she laughed. "you'll understand when you're older."

the girl squatted down, holding her head down into her knees. "i'm already a big kid! i do understand, unnie," jae murmured.

"you're only six years old, jae," juhee continued. "all of the petals are going to fall off soon anyway. this little piece isn't a big deal."

jae looked up from her position, her eyes evidently angry and tearing up. seeing her little sister so upset, juhee decided to take the petal and tuck it in its original place.

"there you go. all better now," she whispered.

"is it all better now, juhee? is it? answer me!"

juhee looked up, but her body froze, now looking up at her little sister who took the appearance of her current, 19-year old self.


juhee's eyes snapped open from the dream. she was greeted by the sight of her mother with a hand on her shoulder, calling out her name repeatedly.

"juhee! you're late for your train."

"shit," the girl blurted. her mother removed her hand and walked out of the room in silence.

she got up to get ready, running back and forth frantically between the bathroom and her room. soon she was all set to leave for her train, so she grabbed her bag. as she made her way to the door, juhee noticed her mother sitting quietly at the dining table eating breakfast.

"i'll see you later, mom," juhee told her, planting a kiss on her cheek.


hey you okay?
didn't see you on the train this morning

i overslept aghhh
i'll see u later though :)

good, you need the rest
let's get dinner today then!

i'll see
i gotta go
see u soon :P

she put her phone down and took out a pen.


in one week, it'll be dad's fifth death anniversary. i still haven't been able to text jae, and mom has barely talked to me these past two weeks. she's never been this angry with me, and it's scaring me. i guess she's terrified of the thought that i'd become just like jae.

the 8 am train | choi jiungWhere stories live. Discover now