Sam drove them to the Triskelion and Sitwell said, "HYDRA doesn't like leaks."

"So why don't you try sticking a cork in it," Sam retorted.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here," Natasha warned.

"I know," Steve said. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly."

"What?!" Sitwell cried. "Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea."

Suddenly, the Winter Soldier landed on the car roof, pulled Sitwell out through the window and threw him into the oncoming traffic, killing him, then started shooting at them until Steve pulled the brake handle, making the Winter Soldier drop down onto the street as another car smashed into their car and pushed them along. The Winter Soldier jumped back onto their car, smashed through the windscreen and pulled out the steering wheel.

"Shit!" Sam yelled as Natasha started shooting at her, but the Winter Soldier jumped onto the vehicle behind them. As their car was being pulled off the road, Steve and Bucky held on to the car doors.

"Hang on!" Steve yelled as he broke open the door. Holding onto Natasha, Bucky and Sam, they slid on the car door through the streets.

The Winter Soldier was joined by HYDRA agents and she started shooting at them. The four scattered and ran off in different directions with the Winter Soldier shooting at Natasha, but she managed to shoot her in her eye goggle mask and ran off.

The Winter Soldier dropped to the ground and pulled her goggles off with an angry expression. After a moment, she stood.

" меня. Найди его. Найти их," the Winter Soldier said.

(She's mine. (I'll take care of her.) Find them.)

The Winter Soldier went in pursuit of Natasha as the HYDRA agents went after Steve, Bucky and Sam who each managed to fend them off as they shot at them. Bucky then noticed the Winter Soldier in pursuit of Natasha.

"Go, Cap and I got this!" Sam told Bucky.

The Winter Soldier thought she'd found Natasha hiding behind a car as she could hear her voice.

"I make an LZ, twenty-three hundred block of Virginia Avenue," Natasha's voice said. "Rendezvous two minutes. Taking fire above and below expressway. Civilians threatened. Repeat, civilians threatened." She rolled a bomb towards where she thought Natasha was hiding. As the bomb rolled behind the car, Natasha wasn't actually there, but a recording over her voice was being played back on a phone. "I make an LZ, twenty-three hundred block at Virginia Avenue. Rendezvous two minutes." As the bomb exploded, Natasha jumped onto the Winter Soldier's back and tried to kill her, but she threw her off. She started running off as the Winter Soldier went after her. She threw a chip that disabled the Winter Soldier's arm. The Winter Soldier glared and removed the chip. She swung her arm and it clanked.

Natasha said to the civilians as she tried to get away from the Winter Soldier, "Get out of the way! Stay out of the way!" Suddenly, she got shot in the shoulder. She fell and looked around. As the Winter Soldier came up from behind to shoot her, Bucky jumped in with the shield and attacked her. They fought and in the process, the Winter Soldier took the shield and threw it at him, but Bucky managed to avoid being hit.

The Winter Soldier began choking him and Bucky freed himself, causing her metal hand, which had made a fist, to make a dent in the pavement.

The two exchanged even punches. Whoever the woman was, she was well-trained.

The Winter Soldier pushed him against a van and dragged a pocketknife along the side and he barely avoided the sharp blade. Steve grabbed the shield from the back of the van.

She came after Bucky with a pocketknife and kicked at him. Steve ran in with his shield and before she could hit either man, he grabbed her metal arm, but she kicked him back.

Bucky managed to grab her metal arm and placed a hand on her mask before flipping her over his shoulder.

The Winter Soldier rolled on the ground and her mask came off. She looked around at Bucky who was shocked.

"Mattie?" Bucky called. How was she here? She'd died almost 70 years ago. At least, that was what he and Steve had assumed. Clearly they had been wrong.

He stared at her, taking her in. The bright, teasing eyes he remembered were cold and unwelcoming. Her lips were curved in a frown, as though she were trying to remember his words. Her eyes darted back and forth in confusion. He couldn't tell if it was shock that he recognized her or that her mission had failed.

Steve joined Bucky's side, stopping abruptly when he saw the familiar brunette. It couldn't be her; right? " Mattie?" he called in the same surprised tone.

"Who the hell is Mattie?" the Winter Soldier asked.

Mattie went to shoot at Bucky, but before she could shoot, Sam flew in and kicked Mattie aside. Mattie took aim again but before she could shoot, Natasha used the grenade launcher Mattie dropped earlier to shoot at Mattie who vanished in the smoke of the explosion. The four heard sirens after which they were surrounded by HYDRA agents being led by Rumlow.

"Drop the shield, Sergeant!" Rumlow ordered. "On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Steve and Bucky held their hands up. "Get on your knees! Down!" He kicked Steve and Bucky's legs and Steve and Bucky knelt down. "Don't move." Rumlow looked at the helicopter flying above them and warned Rollins who was holding Steve at gunpoint. "Put the gun down. Not here. Not here!" Rollins lowered his gun. The HYDRA agents took Steve, Sam, Bucky and Natasha into custody.


As the Winter Soldier snuck away, she frowned. The brunet man on the bridge recognized her. His tone was gentle, almost like he was talking to someone he adored.

Suddenly, a foreign feeling hit her like a punch. One that seemed she'd discovered something that was missing. But she couldn't quite determine what it was.

Who was the brunet man and why did he recognize her? Why did the other man, the blond one, freeze the moment he saw her?

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