December 3, 1941

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Mattie was driving as snowflakes fell around her, bringing her visibility to near nothing. She slowed down to try to gain control, but spun out.

The flurries only made the storm worse.

Flakes of white surrounded her, making it impossible to see. Headlights drew closer to her and she turned the wheel to avoid a collision.

Before she knew it, she lost control and crashed.

Down she fell. What seemed like hours, lasted only seconds.

In a split second, Mattie breathed her last.

But fate had something different in mind.

Lightning struck the car and Mattie let out a gasping breath.

She scrambled from the car and looked around.

A man who'd been working at the docks ran up to her. "Hey, are you okay?"

Mattie nodded. "I think so. What happened?"

"You crashed and fell into the water. Are you sure you're okay, Mattie?"

Bucky glanced at the car and back to Mattie. "Why were you driving in this weather?"

"Places to go. Why are you here?"

"I work here. Gotta make money somehow."

"I see."

Bucky studied her. "Hey, are you sure you're okay?"

"I just want to get home and forget this whole encounter."

"Let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll take you."

"I can manage."

"Doll, you shouldn't go off alone."

Mattie gave him a smile she hoped was reassuring. "Bucky, I'll be fine."

Bucky smiled and finished up his work, then took her home.

"Will I see you again?" Bucky asked as he dropped her off at her door.

Mattie's eyes met his. "Perhaps. Thank you for the escort. I'll see you around, Bucky."

"I'm counting on it."

She waved and closed the door behind her.


Word quickly spread of the woman struck by lightning and, determined to find out how a dead woman returned to life, a German organization set out to find her.

And they would sooner die before they failed.

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