Chapter 24

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Leaving her in the bathroom was definitely not one of my proudest moments. Neither was kissing her.

I didn't want to ruin what she had with Jeremiah. I was a mess.

She was my girl. MY girl. Not Jeremiah's, not Jacks. She was mine and I was letting her slip away because I couldn't emotionally be there for her.

I laid down in my bed and starred at the ceiling. I wanted summer to end. I wanted all this too end.

I didn't want to wake up here and have to face her, have to face my mom, have to face Jeremiah. My stomach hurt.

I hear the floors creek and then her room door open and close. I shut my eyes and prayed this all away.


I was about to fall asleep when I heard loud knocking on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I called out.

Jeremiah rushed in coming over next to me on the bed immediately. He was drunk but he wasn't THAT drunk. Maybe tipsy is a better word.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for leaving your side" he says inspecting my face and arms.

"I'm okay. I should've said something to you before you went to get drinks or went with you. He didn't give me a good vibe" I say quietly.

"Don't blame yourself I'm glad you're okay. I'm
also sorry for what my brother did. He just has a thing for causing a scene I guess" Jeremiah laughs while touching my eyebrow with his thumb and palm on my cheek.

"He saved me" I say quietly.

"What?" Jeremiah spit.

"Well if Conrad hadn't been there that guy would've taken advantage of me. So I'm thankful Conrad did what he did" I nod my head.

"Oh" Jeremiah says. He stays quiet for a moment. "I still don't think he had to knock the guy out. The ambulance had to be called."

"Oh my god. Well he was being aggressive towards me. Conrad handled it in the way he knew how to" I say.

"I guess. Just glad you're okay" Jeremiah places his hand on my cheek. He leans in and places a kiss on my lips. I barely kiss back.

"Well I'm gonna head to bed" Jeremiah says looking at me. Hope in his eyes that I'll ask him to stay.

"Okay. Have a Goodnight" I say quietly. He nods and walks out of my room shutting the room door behind him.

I throw myself onto my bed and start to cry.

I was a mess of emotions. Jeremiah was a great guy. He's fun and handsome and has always been there for me since we were younger but I didn't love him like that, not romantically.

I loved Conrad. I've always loved Conrad. I would continue to love him even after everything he's put me through. But he didn't love me.

Happy Birthday to me I guess.


I was pouring drinks when Jack came up in a panic. Reciting what was happening in the living room.

"Y/N is crying and your brother is kicking the shit out of a guy!" He yells over the music. I stop pouring drinks immediately and run over.

I catch a glimpse of Conrad's back as he rushes out the front door. Y/N is nowhere to be seen.

"What the fuck happened?" I ask the guy standing next to me.

"That dude just got knocked the fuck out by Conrad Fisher. He was trying to get with his girlfriend" the guy shrugs.

"I'm her boyfriend" I say coldly.

"Oh sorry man" the guy says.

I push through the crowd of people and find Steven and Belly.

"We have to go now" I say grabbing them. Belly agrees immediately and Steven takes another glance at the guy before we go out the front door and pile into Stevens car.

"What the fuck happened? If he did anything to my sister I swear I will kill him" Steven says hitting the steering wheel.

"Her phone location says she's back at the house" Belly says from the backseat.

I sigh in relief. Conrad brought her home. My fist clenches. I didn't want them alone together. I didn't want Conrad to pull some stupid shit, especially not after he ruined her birthday. She was my girl and her birthday was not about to be ruined by an idiot.

When we got home I immediately raced to her room to see if she was okay. She believed Conrad was defending her. Give me a break. He saw a chance too make something about himself so he did.

After our conversation I go to kiss her goodnight.

When I go into kiss her, she doesn't kiss me back. I pretend not to notice.

I'm loosing her. Something happened between the party and now. How am I loosing her again?

We say our goodnights and I walk out sighing as I close the door.

I then go across the hall and knock on Conrad's door.

"Come in" I hear him through the other side. I walk in and close the door behind me.

"What'd you do too her?" I ask harshly.

I look at him. He looks exhausted with a busted lip and nose and puffy eyes.

"What? Who?" He questions back.

"Y/N! I mean I know she's shaken up but what happened after you got home? You guys just immediately went into separate rooms?" I'm getting impatient.

"Yeah-well no-but nothing happened" he says trying to convince me, and himself.

"so you guys we're together in a room?" I ask. "Don't lie"

"She cleaned me up" He says. "But gel on my nose and lip"

"Oh" I say. I don't want to think they did anything. I trusted her and knew she wouldn't have. It's him I didn't trust.

"Well feel better" I say. "And thanks I guess for looking out for her"

"Yeah of course" he says. I nod and open the door walking out and to my room. Only a few more days until the summer dance.

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