Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up and stretched getting out of bed. I went to the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

I went back to the kitchen and notice a box of the good muffins.

I heard the back door close and than notice Conrad walking in with his swim shorts on. He smirks at me.

"I got you a box of those. All of them are chocolate chip, your favorite" he comes closer to me and leans down kissing me.

"Aw Connie that's so thoughtful" I say. "Thank you"

"I- uhm I wanted to give you this" he pulls out a small box.

"Oh- Conrad we haven't even got on an actual date" I say "I can't get married!"

"Woah-no-no this isn't a ring" he laughs. I calm down.

"It's uhm" he opens it to reveal a beautiful rose gold necklace that has a pearl at the center of it.

"Ohmygosh" I say covering my mouth.

"Do you like it?" He asks pulling me closer with his hand.

"I-wow- I love it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I say hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you like it. I wanted to ask you something with it" he asks. Yes I'll be your girlfriend.

"Will you go to the summer dance with me?" He asks.

Oh no.

"Conrad I would've loved to go with you" I say and he looks at me confused "but Jeremiah already asked me and I said yes"

"Oh" Conrad says "when did he ask you?"

My stomach sinks "yesterday afternoon. Before I left for the dock"

"Oh wow" Conrad says closing the box.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you planned on asking me" I say "I would've said yes"

"So tell him you'd rather go with me. You made a mistake by saying yes too him yesterday" Conrad grabs my hands holding me close to him.

"I-I can't do that Connie" I say.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because- I- I- I don't want to hurt him" I say.

"What about me?" Conrad asks running his hand down my waist.

"I care about you too but I already agreed to go with Jeremiah. You were late and I'm sorry" I say.

He nods. "Enjoy your muffins"

"Conrad don't be like that" I say pleading with him.

"No-no it's my own fault. I've been late to everything all summer and now it's finally getting me. Jeremiah is the right choice." He nods "I'm sorry for interfering"

"No-Connie it's not like that. I love you!" I plead with him more. He turns around at that.

"I know and that's why I'm telling you Jeremiah is the right choice. He can give you what I can't. Just leave it." He says before walking out.

A tear runs down my cheek as I watch him walk out of the backyard and down to the ocean. I'd lost him.

I place my head in my hands and panic. Everything was fine last night. We had made out in his car last night. Now he told me to pick Jeremiah?

"Morning" Jeremiah says walking into the kitchen. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asks when he sees me.

"Nothing" I wipe my eyes quickly "would you like a muffin?"

"I'd like you too tell me what's wrong" he says placing a hand on my cheek. "You're prettier when you smile"

"I-it's nothing. Just stressed about finding a dress for the dance you know?" I laugh.

"Ah girl don't be stressed about that! You have weeks before the dance" he smiles at me. "I've been practicing my dance moves for it though"

"Oh really?" I laugh but another tear falls. Jeremiah wipes it "mhmm"

He pulls me into the middle of the kitchen and spins me around. I place my hand on his shoulder and hold his other and he does the same but his other hand holding my waist.

We dance around awhile longer before he dips me and kisses me.

"See? You're going to shine no matter what you wear!" He picks me up and spins me around. "You're a Queen"

I laugh. He pulls me close kissing my lips again as I stand on his feet.

"You're kidding." I hear Steven say as he enters the kitchen. Jeremiah and I back away from each other quickly.

"I-you-he- I thought you were dating Conrad" Steven makes faces and points fingers at us.

"Nope" I say popping the P.

"Oh- I must've had it all wrong then" Steven nods his head. "This-I think you guys look nice"

"Oh-were not like together" I say quickly before Jeremiah cuts me off "thank you"

We all stand there for another awkward moment.

"I'm gonna head out. I have some errands I want to run. I'll see you all later" I say. I get in my car and call Sarah immediately.

"I know it's really late notice but a lot of stuff happened and I'm all fucked up right now" I say. "I haven't drank anything though"

"I'll see you in a few hours"

I drive all the way to Boston.


I walked out the door leaving her standing in the kitchen. I couldn't do this. Not right now. Not ever.

Why the fuck would Jeremiah ask her to the dance? He knew I wanted her. Fuck he saw us together this summer.

Between all this anger and frustration I was taking out right now running on the beach only one thing kept playing in my mind.

I was the one she called when she was in danger last night, not him.

That's what stuck out to me. She felt safe with me. She knew I would come get her when she needed me. I'd always be there for her.

When I got back to the house her car was gone.

I walked into the backyard where my mom and Susannah were laying.

"Connie, do you know where my daughter went?" Laurel asked.

"I'm not sure. Last time I saw her was this morning" I shrug. "Maybe ask Jeremiah" I add coldly.

I walk inside where I find Jeremiah and Steven playing video games. Belly is sitting there with them scrolling on her phone.

"Hey beach boy" Steven says.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey, do you know where Y/N went? The moms were wondering" I say grabbing a water.

"I think she said she was running errands. I don't know she seemed kinda off this morning" Jeremiah shrugs.

"Oh" I say. "That's weird"

"Yeah I totally agree. Girls are too much sometimes" he laughs.

"Hey!" Belly chimes in and I roll my eyes.

I grab my phone and head upstairs to shower.

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