Chapter 22

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My birthday was my favorite day during summer. I loved having the attention on for me a full day in the summer house, getting to pick what we ate for dinner and Susannah decorating.

I woke up and got got ready for the day. I wore a cute orange gingham dress. I walked down the stairs and was greeted by everyone in the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Steven said first loudly when he saw me and everyone else followed with happy birthdays and hugs.

"Happy birthday my love" Jeremiah said kissing me and wrapping his arm around me. I laughed at the gesture and so did everyone else. Except Conrad who didn't even look up from his plate of eggs.

"Aww thanks guys!" I said looking at the stack of pancakes with a candle in them.

"Make a wish!" Belly urges me.

I sit and ponder a wish for a few moments. I finally land on a good one and blow out the candles. Everyone cheers as I take my first bite of breakfast.

I go and reach for the syrup the same time Conrad does.

"I'm sorry" I whisper.

"Birthday girls first" He nods.

I pour the syrup and finish up breakfast.

"Let's do gifts! I'm very excited!" Susannah says grabbing my shoulders. I laugh as she guides me into the living room and everyone else fills in.

I sit down on a large chair and smile because I know my mom is taking pictures to post on her Facebook.

"Mine first!" Belly says handing me a small gift bag. I open the card reading it and thank her then I open the gift which reveals a pair of crystal earrings.

"Ohmygosh Belly they are beautiful!" I say.

"I know right!" She says laughing.

"Thank you!" I say.

Next up was Jeremiah.

I opened the gift bag and read the card which repeatedly said how excited he was for the dance and how lucky he was to take me as his date.

I blushed but quickly remembered him kissing Belly and I felt bad.

For the gift he gave me a new expensive watch.

"Jeremiah! Oh my gosh you didn't have to!" I say.

"You deserve it! I know you've been wanting one" he says.

"It's beautiful! Thank you!" I say.

Steven then gave me his, a Princeton sweatshirt and pajama pants.

Then my mom got me some cleaning supplies for my car (I definitely should use it).

Then Susannah handed me a small box. I opened it and found a bracelet.

"Susannah this is so beautiful!" I say gasping.

"My mother gave it to me and I want to pass it down to you my beautiful girl! I wore it on my wedding day" she says.

"Well if I ever get married I'll make sure to wear it on mine" I nod.

"Yeah I'll make sure of it" Jeremiah pipes in and everyone laughs.

"Connie you're turn" my mom gestures everyone's attention towards him.

"It slipped my mind. I'm sorry" he says getting up "happy birthday"

Susannah looks at him with the most angry look I've ever seen her give.

"Alright well I want a group photo of the kids so everyone come over" my mom says.

We all stand up and head over to the front area to take pictures.

I stand in the middle and Jeremiah comes to my side.

I watch as Belly makes room for Conrad on my other side as Steven stands next to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah places his hand firmly around me and Conrad wraps his arm around me too.

I feel Jeremiah tense up as Conrad eases into holding my side.

We take a few pictures then head back too the kitchen.

"Thank you all again, I really appreciate it" I smile at everyone.

"Of course, you brighten everyone's day full year round" my mom rubs my shoulders as she passes by.

The doorbell rings and I look at everyone. "Did you guys invite someone?"

"Nope. Maybe it's the package I ordered" Belly shrugs her shoulders.

"I'll get it" Conrad mumbles shuffling to the front door. I follow behind him.

He opens the door that reveals Jack standing there with flowers and a box of chocolates.

"You're kidding" I hear Conrad say before I walk past him.

"Happy Birthday!" Jack smiles widely at me.

"Aww Jack! Thank you!" I say stepping out the front door and wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wraps his arms around my lower back pulling me close. "I don't like to show up unannounced but I didn't know if you really wanted too see me. But I wanted to give you these"

He hands me the flowers and chocolate. "You're the best!" I smile widely at him.

"Of course. You look great" Jack nods.

"Aw thank you. I hope to see you around!" I say.

"Actually Trevor is hosting a party tonight if you'd like to join. We can get you a birthday cake and everything" Jack offers.

"That actually sounds super fun. Is it alright if Jeremiah comes along?" I smile "we're kinda a thing now"

"Oh" Jack says before composing himself again "of course, the more the merrier!"

"Awesome! Thanks again" I say and he nods before turning around and heading back to his car.

I walk back into the house and find everyone sitting around the table again.

"Who was that?" My mom asks.

"Jack! He bought me these flowers and chocolates" I say showing them off. "He also invited me to a party tonight. Is it alright if I go?"

"Of course. Just make sure you ask everyone else if they'd like to go along with you. Don't make anyone feel left out" my mom says.

"This Jack boy should've been a keeper. He just picks out the prettiest flowers!" Susannah says picking them up from the counter. I laugh and she smiles at me. "But I'd much rather my Y/N end up with a Fisher boy"

I laugh and nod my head. She hugs me and I hug her back holding her tight.

"Well I think I'm gonna go take a nap before I get ready for later" I say smiling "thanks again to you both! Love you"

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