Chapter 26

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It was officially the day of the summer dance. The house was in chaos.


"BELLYS ROOM!" she calls back.

I race into Belly's room while trying to fix my eyelash.

"I need the curling iron. They're going to need time to set" I say.

"Okay fine but I need the eyeliner!" Belly says and we trade.

"Woah woah what is going on? You guys are acting like Prince Charming is coming to see if the shoe fits" Steven says laughing.

"GET OUT!" I yell and continue fixing myself up.

It was an hour until the dance and I was stressing out. I wanted this night to be perfect. One last summer bang.

I curl my hair and do a half up half down look. I apply lipgloss again and then more hairspray.

I put my dress on and then spray more perfume then I ever have in my entire life.

This was the first time since my prom that I looked at myself in the mirror and really saw someone beautiful. I looked amazing.

"WE NEED PICTURES!" Susannah calls out from downstairs.

"Coming!" I hear Belly from down the hallway. I'm placing my shoes on.

Belly walks past my room and I hear footsteps of the others.

"Y/N come on!" I hear Steven yell out.

I grab my purse and then walk towards the stairs.

"Oh my gosh" Susannah covers her mouth with her hand. There's tears in her eyes.

I start to walk down the stairs. "You look amazing" Jeremiah compliments me coming to grab my hand and help me down the rest of the way.

"You really do look wonderful" my mom says putting her hand on my arm.

I notice Conrad watching from afar. He looks mesmerized but I don't think anything of it. It's a mistake.

"We look so good" Belly says grabbing my hand.

"Alright let's all get together for some pictures" Susannah says grabbing her phone.

Jeremiah wraps his arms around my waist as my mom snaps a picture. He kisses my cheek in another. He then spins me around and dips me kissing my lips. Steven wolf whistles and everyone laughs.

We then get some group shots of all of us. Belly and I in the middle. Jeremiah next to me and Steven next to Belly. Conrad stands next to Steven.

"We really should get going" Jeremiah says looking at his watch.

"Okay okay. Have so much fun!" Susannah says to us. We all say our goodbyes and I love yous and pile into the car.

When we arrive the venue is decked out. Fairy lights, streamers, torches, candles, everything summer you could think of.

Shayla met up with Steven outside of the venue. They took a few pictures then walked in together.

"You're truly the hottest girl here" Jeremiah says once we enter. I blush and kiss his cheek.

Belly's face is lit up. Conrad is trailing behind all of us uninterested in what the dance has to offer.

We find ourselves some seats. Conrad pulls out his phone scrolling on it and Jeremiah wraps his arm around my shoulders.

When August EndsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant