"You should." Caleb suggested.

"You really think I could be a firefighter?" Ian looked up at him.

"Isn't that why you've been hanging around? 'Cause you want to go on runs, save lives?"

"Yeah, that, and I was hoping to get my hands on your hose." Ian said with a small laugh.

"Is that what this is to you? A fuck?" Caleb asked back with sudden disgust.

"You say it like it's a bad thing. Come on, let's get out of here." Ian moved his hand onto Calebs knee.

"You know, I knew you were younger than me, but I thought you were a grownup." Caleb said, pushing Ian's hand away and moving to walk away.

"Oh, fuck." Ian sighed knowing he had messed up yet again. "Okay, okay. Hey. I'm into you, all right? I thought you were into me." Ian ran to stop him.

"I am." Caleb replied.

"Then what's the problem?" Ian asked back, still confused.

"I don't stick my dick in just any guy." Caleb explained.

"What do you want then?"

"Seriously? Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Yeah." Ian nodded.

"A date." Caleb stated.

"With, like, flowers and chocolate and shit?" Ian laughed with amusement, never having had a proper relationship before.

"No, we can skip the flowers." Caleb replied.

"Okay. You're on."

"All right. Let's get some fucking brews." Caleb threw his arm over Ian's shoulder and walked back to the others.

Liam, Riley and I were walking through the park on my way to work for the evening, coming across a rowdy gathering. Liam dropped my hand suddenly and ran over towards a group of people having a BBQ.

"Liam, wait up!" I called, chasing after him and pushing Riley's stroller ahead of me. Liam crashed into a red haired man who laughed at the sight of his little brother.

"Liam, what are you doing here?" Ian asked with a smile towards him.

"Oh" I finally caught up to Liam and found he had ran to Ian.

"Do you two know each other?" Caleb asked, seeing how Ian and I stared at each other for a moment, neither one saying anything.

"Uh, yeah, this is Megan" Ian shook out of his thoughts.

"I'm Caleb, it's nice to meet you, can I get you a drink?" He offered politely.

"I don't drink"

"She doesn't drink"

"Okay, cool" Caleb nodded, feeling like the odd one out with Ian and I, not knowing what had happened between us.

"What happened to you?" I turned my attention back to Ian, seeing a cut on his face. I carefully reach forward before pulling back knowing that it was not my place.

"Ian here started a fight with the cops" Caleb explained with a chuckle.i smiled back, remembering his south side roots of getting into fights and running from the cops.


We sat in silence the entire ride until sirens sounded from behind us.

"Great" I sighed with exhaustion as Lip moved to pull into an empty parking lot. Three cop cars pulled into the lot behind us and the officers got out and walked over to our car.

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