Chapter 4: No Escape

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I'm so used to thinking in my head now, having conversations with the darkness on the walls and the bars. The darkness on the bars are slightly more aggressive than the walls, but they'll do. 

Yes, these things can talk to me in my head. I'm not going crazy, hopefully, at least. It's been a few months now, and I'm planning my escape attempt. I really thought it would be faster than this, but I gotta make sure that I don't mess up. Hopefully I'll get to see the outside world, or at least what's left of it. The other voices in my head sometimes flash images of the outside world into my head, pictures of ruins of my city, pictures of both realms covered in clouds of darkness. I really hope that they're lying.

I've managed to teach some stuff to the black lines on my skin, they can extend out from my body and possibly out of the cell to unlock it and free me. From there I could take out the guards and find Eclipse, my informants (black lines) on the walls have told me that Eclipse is in a hangar in the prison. If I could get to it, I could bust my way out of this prison. 

Back in the day, they taught me how to pick the locks of these things, and I pass on that information to the black lines on my skin, and somehow, they understand. I've tried it a few times on the prison bars. Usually the bars envelop my own black lines, and they immediately pull back after feeling a stinging sensation. 

Cope with it you fucking weak asses.

It's painful! 

They always reply this, and then flash an image of someone getting an electric shock into my head. I'm guessing that's what it feels like to them. 

Cope with it.


I said cope!

I've been studying the guard shifts. There's 2 guards that are always sleeping while on duty. And luckily for me, today's that day. I command my black lines to extend through the bars. As they pass through, the darkness on the walls merges with the black lines, but they transmit what's going on outside the bars to me. I command the lines to pick the lock and free me, and I receive a few confused looks from them.


I sigh, and give them instructions on how to pick the lock. They follow, and soon enough, the cell's unlocked. The black lines instantly retract back to my body, screaming out in pain.


Deal with it. And don't make any noise.

I silently run out of the cell and through the hallways. My time in prison has heightened my senses, I can tell when other Dark Ones are nearby. That's what I call the people made out of the darkness. 

I can hear a few of them talking about going to the hangar, and I hide behind walls, careful not to touch them, and follow the Dark Ones, and eventually reaching the hangar. I can just about make out the outline of Eclipse, but Dark Ones are swarming the hangar.

Shit, I think.

What's wrong?

Shut up.

I scan the surroundings, looking for possible cover. There are crates that I could hide behind if I was kneeling down. But there's not many of them, and some of them are getting moved by Dark Ones. Not very reliable cover. There's a few other mechs, which I recognize as enemy ones from my time in the war. Could take cover there. Not gonna try passing off as a Dark One.

I see the next group of Dark Ones pass by, and I have around the span of a few seconds to run towards one of the enemy mechs. So I sprint behind the closest one and hide there, breathing heavily but softly. My nerves are acting up, they usually don't do that. Maybe it's the fact that I'm in enemy territory, not that I haven't been there before in battles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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