Chapter 7 - Mock Battle (Part 2)

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That man with the scythe has forced me and William to hide behind a rock since they arrived. If I try using my mirrors to get a better view, the scythe gun-like weapon they had shattered it before I could even get a better look.

William can't attack from this distance. He will need to be close enough to even use his blade. And as much as I dislike him, I don't actually want him to die.

I try getting another glimpse at them using my mirrors.

"They're getting closer."


Another bullet was shot, once again making my efforts futile.

The wavy path helps with keeping them from getting here too fast, but it won't take much long before they get to us.

What should I do? William is absolutely useless in this situation, and my mirrors keep getting shot and I can't use it offensively.

I am actually starting to feel the drawbacks from using my ability. I started feeling lethargic after maybe my 20th use.

"I can't just stay still like this Alice... I'm gonna rush him"

"What no don't! They literally have a fucking gun!"

"HAH! Some bullets ain't gonna stop me!"

William jumps out of cover for a second before getting his hand shot off prompting him to get back behind cover.

"Ok! any better ideas?" he said while reconnecting his arm after picking it up from the ground.

"now you're asking?"

"Did you see anything we can probably use to get an advantage?"

"Uh, He has a bag on his hips which is probably holding shells?"

As we were planning the man started reloading his gun scythe, reaching for the bag William mentioned.

Wait already? he only shot around 3 times... can it only hold one shell per shot? Looking back I only let out each mirror with a delay.

If that's the case then if we bait them into reloading then William can get close while they reload.

"William I will use more of my mirrors and after the shot, I want you to run to them and cut the bag."

"... You want me to die or something?"


Creating multiple mirrors and revealed all of them to the man at the same time.



William ran to the man at full speed, The man slowly backed off while grabbing the bag in their waists, taking out more shells.

Using the leftover mirrors that wasn't destroyed I reflected the light of the sun into their eyes, blinding them for a few seconds.


William swung his sword down, and followed up with more slashes at blazing speeds. Cutting away at the mans coat.


They dodged the attacks clumsily, stepping back slightly little by little while reaching for the pouch containing the shells.

I have to help him-

"HAH!" William threw his sword making the man turn to his side, but while doing so William was able to grab the pouch and pull it. But was unable to take it off.

I noticed the problem so I created more mirrors to distract the enemy. I swung my hand towards the man and glass shards flew to them, but it was easily deflected with one swing from the Heavy scythe.

Desperate William used his legs as leverage to put in more force, but as the man brandishes his scythe. A sudden bright glow emanates from William.

Suddenly William started to heat up, the sweat on his skin hissed and evaporated into steam. A wave of hot air came from William.

The pouch he was holding into started to burn black from his touch, the smell of burnt leather slowly wafts through the air.

Confused, the man starts grabbing at his head in an attempt to take him off. But to no avail, William did not budge at all and burned even brighter.

After burning the pouch off and kicking it into the forest, in one swift motion the man swung the scythe which William barely dodges by ducking. They then follow up, spinning the scythe with their hands aiming downwards.


I used two layers of glass to block it which makes it shatter into pieces. The shards floated as I shoot it back towards him.

They jump back, and used the scythe as a shield spinning it rapidly. They weren't able to block all of them though, as some shards were able to get through.

"Its Over!"


Controlling the shards that got through, I made him plunge down back to the ground effectively  planting them in place.

William was about to go for the final blow until-


The man's body expanded revealing massive dark spikes that looked like it was melting. forcing William to stop and stumble and fall on his back.


"What the hell is that?!"

The man stood there and ripped off the Headband declaring that he gave up.

Count. Down suddenly appears as they did so.
"How boring it was just about to get good!"

"I'm a bit tired..."

"Oh in that case why don't we get you back then! Ciao!"

They disappeared right after.

William tired sighed and lied on the ground staring straight up the sky.

"Hey stand up, we still need to help Lucas."

In any case, what was that heat that came from him? Is it some kind of equipment?

"Did you get some new equipment apart from that blade?"

"No, why would I? I'm dirt poor-"

He lies there on the dirt, casually using his arm to support his head.

"It's nothing, never mind I forgot how irresponsible you are it was wrong of me to assume you even saved up."

"Hah? Speak for yourself, you're the one who bought a make-up set they barely used."

... As much as I hate to admit, he was right and I couldn't say anything back.

William sprang up from the ground and stretched before saying

"Alright! Let's go help Lucas!"

I nodded as we ran to them in a hurry, I'm sure they arent in much trouble surely.

Meanwhile in Lucas' Side of the fight



The layers of walls Rein created was being hit rapidly at insane speeds creating sounds akin to explosions as each hit connected consecutively with the ever recovering walls Rein makes.

"Is this even a fair fight anymore-?!" Rein said, struggling to keep up with Dan's blows.

"You sure that ain't a hammer they're hitting us with instead of a spear?"

Mock Battle (part 2) end

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