Chapter 4

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William managed to recover almost instantly and as if he was not even tired at all, Carried the Large old man and walked back to the building. Reinhardt's Legs were dragging on the ground but it was still impressive to see someone who was just dead tired suddenly spring back full of energy. is it perhaps related to his Stigma?

Alice was still unconscious so I attempted to carry her, but as I was about to, her hand suddenly stopped me. And she stood up by herself using her Ability to float back. We all went through the road that was ruined by the destruction caused by their fight, the atmosphere was heavy and awkward which was to be expected as the guy who didn't even win becomes the leader of the group.

Nervous I tried striking up a conversation to somehow lighten up the mood.

"S-so uhm, That was a crazy battle you guys probably had huh?"


Alice didn't bother replying to me and just focused on moving the mirror she is on. William on the other hand was too far away to even hear us. When did he even get that far? I was sure we all moved at almost the same time.

I sighed and stayed silent all the way until I saw a sign that pointed in different directions on the road. one back to base and the other to a local Rural town. Since I didn't want to bother them and wanted to explore District 1 anyway I left the group and went on my own little adventure.

I could finally breathe without much resistance now that I was far away enough. though mostly I couldn't talk cause they could actually just kill me if they wanted to. There was still time till I should go back to the base so I guess it's fine to wander around.

on the way I met some other people who I assumed were agents in training, using equipment that ranged from guns to blades or even a combination of the two. The equipment they were wearing looked light and comfortable probably made to give them more mobility. Bulkier agents wore Equipment with Large frames and each step they make is obviously audible even from afar. Some of them waved at me probably assuming I'm one of the townspeople, especially in my get-up of casual clothing.

I waved back at them anyway so as to not be rude.

I eventually reached a diner that had a familiar smell of garlic, and bacon permeating through the air when I went inside. I looked around the place as the radio played a soft tune perfect for relaxation and sat somewhere around the tables near the cashier.

"Welcome dear! What would you like today?"

"Oh sorry I didn't actually plan on eating I was just looking for some place to relax." Not only that I don't know the currency they use here. so it was pretty much just impossible to pay.

The woman looked at me while squinting her eyes. until eventually smiling and shouted at the man with a large belly in the back cooking.

"One Bacon and eggs dear," she shouts at him.

"Comin' Right up!"

I started panicking and told the lady that I didn't have money as she shushed me and said "It's on the house, you're new here right? Consider this a welcome gift."

"Mam you don't have to!"

"I insist!"

Is this maybe some sort of scam??? Will they extort me after I finished my meal? while I contemplated in my seat making up absurd scenarios while I sweat profusely, a young woman coming from upstairs in the diner called for the two.

"Ma! Pa! You treating strangers to a meal again??"

"Oh you know I can't help it when I see new faces in our little town!"

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