The Beginning

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[I hope you all are comfortable. We'll be starting with Stiles life in Beacon Hills.]

Scott and Stiles are standing by a locker
Scott:please tell me you have something better than handcuffs this time.
Stiles shows a giddy expression: Way better.
When Stiles opens the locker chains start to fall out gather the attention of everyone in the locker-room
Coach walks up
Coach: Part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine.

Klaus: Henrik?

Rebecca let's out a gasp and starts crying

Elijah: That's Henrik...he came back? How?

The rest of the Mikaelsons sit shocked

Elana:I thought you guys said he was dead?

Damon:Oh great another Mikaelson

Scott: I don't know who you guys are talking about but that's Stiles.

(Video continues)

Coach: Stilinski! What the hell is wrong with your friend?
Coach pulls Stiles to him by his helmet
Stiles: Um..He's failing two class. He's a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough, his jawline's kind of uneven.
Coach tilts his head looking at Scott.

Kol: *starts laughing* He's not wrong.

Everyone turns to look at Scott. Studying him.

Derek: You know..Now that you mention it. It is kind of crooked.

Scott crosses his arms and huffs like a child.

Coach: Stilinski! Jackson.

Stiles: Sorry, Coach. I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him.

Coach: Oh? And when was that?

Stiles: Last time I saw him? Definitely the time I saw him last.

(Scene Change)

Coach: Last words should have new meaning for all of us today...
Milessa: What the hell is he talking about?

Stiles: He does this every year.

Milessa: Seriously?

(Scene Change)

Stiles: I'm playing on the field with the team?

Coach: Yes. Unless you'd rather play with yourself.

Stiles: I already did that today. Twice.

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