Always with You- Survivor/Hunter Luchino x Survivor/Hunter Melly

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         Other survivors will always see the Entomologist and the Professor together. The two always spend time together. Some thought they were acquaintances with similar interests, some believe they were best friends, and very few didn't know they were lovers.

Melly and Luchino are currently in the garden. It was night time and the two were holding hands. Before Melly arrived at the manor, she told herself she was done with love. Her ex-husband abused her physically and emotionally. She's glad to be out of that marriage. She remembered that she and Luchino met in a match. Luchino saved her and the two escaped. They started talking and soon feelings came.

Luchino looks at Melly and holds her close. She held hands with Luchino. Luchino kissed Melly's hands. Melly blushed and then he kissed her cheek and then her lips. Melly puts her arms around Luchino's neck. The two pull away from the kiss and stare into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Melly. My sweet honey." Luchino said and put his hand on Melly's cheek. Melly smiled at him.

"How long do you think we'll be stuck in this manor?" Melly asked.

"I'm not sure, Melly..." Luchino said.

"We'll always be together right?" Melly asked.

"Yes, nothing can tear us apart, my love." Luchino said. After ten minutes, the two went back to their own rooms. Luchino is in his room and he goes to his nightstand. He grabs a velvet box he had until he finds the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He planned to propose to Melly tomorrow.

Luchino is in his pajamas, which are only pajama pants. He laid down on his bed, his scales were itchy. He tried sleeping, but it kept getting worse and worse. He was in tons of pain. He didn't realize it, but he was slowly transforming. He groaned in pain, he didn't want to transform now.

"M... Melly." Luchino said slowly in pain.

The next day, Melly goes to visit her boyfriend before a match. When she went to Luchino's room, the door was opened with yellow tape. The furniture was all smashed up. Melly dropped her butterfly net. Luca and Tracey walked by Melly and the closed-off room.

"I heard him screaming, I bet he finally changed." Luca said. He wasn't whispering. Melly heard and frowned under her mask. She grabbed her butterfly net and ran off. She had a match to do. Later on, she was in her match. She hasn't seen any of her teammates besides Kurt. Melly just got done with a cipher and she saw a tall lizardman who just chaired Kurt. Melly stumbled and fell, and the noise got the tall lizardman's attention. She noticed a bumblebee pin on the lizardman's coat and she realized it was Luchino. Before Melly could get up, he jumped over in front of her. He was holding a knife.

"'s me, M-." Melly got interrupted by the man's hissing.. The lizardman gave her a confused look.

"I don't know you. I'm not familiar with any of you stinking 'survivors." Luchino said. He grabbed Melly by her hood, she kept struggling. She did manage to break free and run. He went after her. Melly was in tears, did they do something to her Luchino? Did they alter his memories? She found the dungeon open, which meant the other survivors weren't there anymore. She jumps in before he could get her.

After that match, Melly locked her in her room. She was in tears. She felt heartbroken, her lover doesn't remember her. Melly threw off her mask and cried in her bed.

"Why did they take you from me? Why?! I hate this stupid manor! I want my Luchino back!" Melly shouted. She grabbed a vase with flowers in it and threw it at the wall. It breaks and Melly keeps crying. The next two days she stayed in her room, refusing to come out, to eat, and either cried or slept most of the day. Around midnight, she checked the library to find a solution. It was just like when she was a maid for her ex-husband, staying up late to study. This time she was looking for a solution for saving her Luchino. For a week she would be up late looking through books and grabbing food from the kitchen. One night she found a book wrapped in paper and a sign that says "Do Not Touch". She takes the papers off of it and sees it's a book of black magic. She didn't care how dangerous this was gonna be, she wanted him back. She grabbed a jar of salt from the kitchen and made it back to her room. She moved a bunch of stuff around to make an open spot in the center of the bedroom. She makes a circle with the salt. She makes some symbols in the circle with salt. She looks through the book and finds a spell that grants wishes. Unknown to her one of her little bees escaped its container and landed in the circle. Melly had candles lit around the circle.

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