Lonely Lizardman- Luchino x Melly

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            In an abandoned house, there was a reptilian man. He has a woman tied to a chair. She has brunette hair in a ponytail and she's wearing casual clothes. The reptilian man's name is Luchino. He's kidnapped women before to make them his bride. This is his tenth attempt. He remembered his first attempt was a woman named Vera. He met her online and snatched her away on their first date. However, Vera's sister, Melly saved her. He remembered Melly wore a beekeeper mask and literally beat the guy up with a butterfly net. He hoped this woman wouldn't run away.

Unfortunately for him, this woman is a veteran. She untied herself and Luchino heard. He turned around since his back was facing her. This woman, Martha, kicked Luchino where the sun didn't shine. She quickly ran away and Luchino fell down in pain. He lay there for a minute and sighed. He teared up, he was just lonely and wanted a wife. He never wanted to be alone.

"I just want a wife...someone who will love me...greet me when I come home...cherish me with love..." Luchino said to himself. He gets up and goes upstairs. He goes to a long mirror in one of the rooms. It was a broken mirror. He puts his hand on the frame of the mirror. Luchino left that house to live in a different abandoned house. One day wandering in the dark alleyways, it was midnight. He did see a few brunette women earlier, but the two women he saw had two men with them. Luchino had a thing for brunettes. He frowned whenever he saw couples together. It reminded him how he was single.

He was looking through the dumpster. He happened to look at the sidewalk and his jaw dropped. He sees a beautiful brunette. He could only see the right side of her. His heart pounds just seeing her. However the woman was with a man, but the two seem to be talking. The woman seemed upset and the man was yelling at her.

"You just wasted my time. You're hideous. You make me realize I should get back with my ex-girlfriend who was far more beautiful than you." The man said and left. The woman teared up.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone on this date. My sister was wrong. I'm gonna be alone. No man wants me...I'm ugly, hideous. I should just hide my face." The brunette woman said. Luchino frowned, feeling sad for the woman. Who would do that to such a beautiful woman? What surprised Luchino was the woman put on a beekeeper mask, one he recognized. He realized this woman is Melly, Vera's sister. Melly ran off in tears.

Luchino looks down at a puddle and looks at his reflection. He knew Melly would never give him a chance. She didn't like monsters. It started to rain and Luchino cried. Unknown to him, he wasn't the only one in the alleyway. In the alleyway was a woman with dark skin and a black hood on.

"If I was a human, Melly would give me a chance..." Luchino said to himself. The woman blew purple powder into the air. Luchino smelt something weird and passed out. When Luchino woke up, it was morning. He felt different and stood up. He could tell he was a little shorter than before. He sees a nearby puddle. When he did, he looked completely different.

"I'm h-human?" Luchino asked himself. He looked human. He has dark brown in many braids, he's wearing a white shirt with brown pants, brown suspenders, and brown pants. He checked his pocket and there was a note in his pocket. The note said, "I help those in despair. Good luck winning the woman over. You have a month before you're a monster again."

Four days later, Melly is outside checking on the crops. She lives on a farm with her sister Vera. Melly and her sister deal with the supernatural daily. She wonders if it's where they live is the reason, but she doesn't know why. Melly is frowning and still sad about her date a couple days ago. She has her beekeeper mask on. Soon it started raining and she frowned. She goes inside her home.

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