Cursed Bride Modern AU!- Melly x Luchino

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Warning: Character deaths, mentioned of suicide, some dark moments in this one shot

       Melly Plinius was 23 years old. She has long brown hair she usually keeps in a braid, blue eyes, and a smile that seems to brighten everyone's mood. She's best friends with Vera and Luchino. She was also at that time engaged to Freddy Riley. You're probably wondering what the past tense, was. Well, one day, she was walking down the street and she saw a woman trip and fall. She dropped some stuff. Melly rushes over and helps her pick up her things. Melly stands up and helps her. The woman looked like the fortune-telling type, she had dark skin and bright green eyes. She looks up at Melly.

"Thank you so much, please let me gift you for your kindness." The woman said.

"N-no! It's ok, you don't have to!" Melly said.

"I want to. I can grant you a wish. Fortune, good health, finding that one true love, and much more." She said.

"True love?" Melly asked.

"Yes, I know a way so you can find and know if someone is your one true love." The woman said.

"Really? It will tell me if my Freddy is my one true love?" Melly asked. Unknown to Melly, the sky was purple and it was just her and this woman.

"Yes, what do you say?" The woman asked.

"Sure." Melly said. The woman blew purple dust in Melly's face. Melly closed her eyes and coughed. When she opens her eyes the woman is gone, the sky is a normal color, and there were a few people across the street just walking. Melly blinked and continued on her way. She didn't think it did anything, but a curse was placed on her. When Melly went to a dress fitting at the bridal store, the mirror broke when she was trying on her dress. She looked worried at first. However, bad luck happened when Freddy and Melly were together. It got worse until Freddy got hit in the face badly at a baseball game he took Melly to.

"That's it! I'm done! Ever since we got engaged, it's been nothing but bad luck being with you! This is a sign we're not meant for each other! I'm done and the engagement is off. We're over!" Freddy said. He snatched the engagement ring from Melly's hand quickly and then left. People around her left bad for her. Melly teared up and ran to the bathroom.

Later around nighttime, Melly is at her home talking with Vera and Luchino. Both of them are there to confront her. Melly cried and explained what happened with Freddy. Melly mentioned everything was fine until she met that mysterious lady a few weeks ago.

"That lady must have cursed you! She said it would be easier to find your true love? Maybe Freddy wasn't meant for you?" Vera guessed.

"So you're saying bad stuff is gonna keep happening unless they're my true love? What if someone gets seriously hurt? What if I don't find my true love? Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life?" Melly asked.

"No, you're not. The right guy is out there for you. It takes time, you'll see. We'll be there for you, Melly." Vera said. Melly hugs both Luchino and Vera. Vera noticed Luchino blushing with Melly being so close. Vera knows Luchino has had feelings for Melly for a long time and just hasn't had the guts to ask her out.

It took Melly two months before she moved on and met a nice guy named William. He played football and rugby. The guy is a pro at the two sports. However, when he and Melly started dating, he noticed he started losing all of his games. He blamed Melly and broke up with her. Melly went through so many relationships, hoping to find her true love. She's 25 now and she's at the park standing in line for ice cream. Luchino and Vera are sitting on a bench.

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