Loving a Monster- Ex-Villian! Luchino x Retired Hero! Melly

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        A supervillain named Evil Reptilian just got handcuffed. He always hated society. He was born with powers, but he looked like a lizard-humanoid hybrid. People called him a monster and never showed his love growing up. His mother supported him a little, but his step-father hated him because of his appearance. He became a villain since what else is a monster supposed to be good at? He worked on a ray gun that turns others into hideous-looking monsters like him. He of course got stopped by his arch enemies: Queen Bee, Ms. Perfume, and The Mercenary.

The cops are escorting Evil Reptilian away. Queen Bee looks concerned and quickly walks over to Evil Reptilian and the cops escorting him.

"Yes, Queen Bee?" A cop asked.

"May I speak to him for a moment?" Queen Bee asked.

"That is fine." The other police officer said. Queen Bee walks in front of Evil Reptilian. He glares at her.

"Why do you want to talk to me? Like I said earlier, everyone knows me as a monster. There's no good in me, everyone doesn't believe in me...I'm just an ugly monster." Evil Reptilian said.

"I don't think so. I think there's good in you. I feel people misunderstood you. You don't have to be what people think you are, you can be good and nice." Queen Bee said with a smile.

"Even...if I look like a monster?" Evil Reptilian asked.

"Yes, even if you look like that, I think you can change and be a good man. I believe you and I will keep believing you." Queen Bee said with a big smile. Evil Reptilian looked surprised. Queen Bee walked back to her comrades and the cops put Evil Reptilian inside the police car.

Ever since that day, Evil Reptilian felt motivated to be good. In jail, Evil Reptilian watched the television in the recreational room. The television is always on the news. Evil Reptilian's heart flutters when he sees Queen Bee on the screen. He's a fan of hers. When he was in his jail cell, he would write poems and draw beautiful sketches of Queen Bee.

The wardens were suspicious of Evil Reptilian's behavior. Having pictures of heroes and throwing knives at them was one thing. However, Evil Reptilian would sigh happily when he looks at a sketch and even keep his jail cell all nice and tidy. Evil Reptilian didn't get in any fights and kept to himself. Some of his inmates tried to start fights, but either got scared off by how intimidating he can be or an inmate tried to throw a punch and Evil Reptilian caught it without looking at the guy.

Evil Reptilian hopes one day he can go back into society and live a normal life. He hoped one day to see Queen Bee again. One day, when Evil Reptilian was watching the news, apparently Queen Bee was in a horrible accident. He felt his heart drop and was worried if she was ok. The next day, Queen Bee was fine but is retiring due to a bad leg injury. Evil Reptilian kept strong though. Even if he doesn't see her again, he wanted to change over a new leaf for her...the only person to really believe and have faith in him.

Evil Reptilian has been in jail for 8 years. He's 30 years old and he just got released from jail early for good behavior. He doesn't go by Evil Reptilian anymore. He goes by his real name...Luchino Diruse. He's on a paid phone trying to call his mother. She picks up.

"Hi, Mom, it's me, Luchino." Luchino said.

"Luchino! Oh, how have you been sweetie?" His mother asked.

"I'm doing great! I just got released from jail. I'm gonna start fresh and live a normal life." Luchino said with a smile.

"You're out of jail? Did you get out early?" His mother asked. Before Luchino could answer, someone else grabbed the phone.

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