Goth Psychic in Love- !Goth !Psychic !Student Melly x !Student Luchino

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          Melly Ndlovu is a high school student and she's goth. She's friends with other goths, Vera, Aesop, and Norton. The four hang out a lot. Melly used to be friends with Mary back in her childhood days. The two drifted apart in middle school, and Mary, she's the most popular student in school. Mary knows Melly's secret and tells everyone about her secret of being a psychic. Some people don't believe it, some people call her a freak. She's never fit in since that.

Melly is at lunch with her goth friends. Melly keeps her brown hair long and down. Her bangs always cover her eyes. She's wearing black lipstick, a long black sleeve shirt, a black long skirt, a spiked choker, and black boots with striped socks. Vera sees her friend looking in the direction where Luchino Diruse is. Luchino is handsome and smart, and many girls wanted to date him, including Melly.

"I see color on your cheeks." Vera said slowly.

"He's....cute.." Melly whispered to her friends.

"Why don't you just talk to him or something?" Norton asked.

"Whatev-" before Melly could finish, she got a vision.

In the vision, Melly sees it from someone else's point of view. This person is facing Luchino. The two seemed to be near a tree. Luchino smiled lovingly at this person.

"We've been spending so much time together..I..I'm starting to fall for you. How about we go on a date tomorrow and see where this leads?" Luchino asked.

Melly blinked and her vision was done. Vera could tell Melly had a vision. Melly whispered to her friends what the vision is.

"Oh! I wonder who." Vera said.

"I don't know, the vision didn't show me and he didn't say the name. Besides, it's probably going to be one of those girls he always talks Mary." Melly said. Melly looked back over and of course, Mary was talking to Luchino.

After Melly's last class, which was math, she was about to leave, but the teacher stopped her. Melly sighed, she just wanted to go home.

"Melly, you're failing my class. I know you've been struggling, so I'm having one of my best students help tutor you. Luckily for you, he said he'll do it for free." Her math teacher, Mr. Bane Perez said.

"Ok." Melly said and agreed to be tutored. If she didn't get her grade up, her parents would get very peeved.

"Oh, here he is." Mr. Perez said. Melly looks towards the door and sees Luchino. He walks over to Melly and Mr. Perez.

"This is Luchino Diruse, he'll be tutoring until the school year is over. You need to get your grade up and maintain it until the end of the school year. Why don't you go ahead today and tutor Melly, Luchino?" Mr. Perez asked and Luchino nodded. Mr. Perez left the classroom. The two put two desks together and sat down.

Luchino helped Melly with geometry. Melly doesn't say much unless Luchino asks her questions. Her heart was racing just to be near him. Once they were done, Melly packed her books. Luchino also packed his books.

"Mondays and Wednesdays work best for me for tutoring you. Does that work for you?" Luchino asked.

"Sure..." Melly said.

"Good, I'll see you on Wednesday." Luchino said. He smiles and walks out of the classroom. Melly's heart was still pounding. The next day after school, Melly is hanging out in the courtyard with her fellow goth friends.

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