The engine's thunderous roar drowned out the desperate moans of the undead as Takashiclosed in on his target. Meanwhile, Kohta, positioned on the balcony, kept a vigilant watch. With each pull of the trigger, he dispatched zombies with calculated precision.

Bullets ripped through decaying flesh, causing heads to explode in a horrifying spray of gore, their lifeless bodies collapsing to the ground. As Takashi approached, Kohta expertly covered Takashi's advance, firing round after round into the oncoming horde.

Approaching the girl's location, Takashi swerved the bike sharply, aligning the motorcycle to drive right through the entrance of the gate. However, the wheel skidded against an undead's arms, causing it to spiral out of control and knocking Takashi off the bike. He groaned in pain as the loud noise attracted the nearby zombies.

"I need to stop acting like I'm in some action movie," Takashi lectured himself, swiftly closing the gates to separate the location from the horde. Abruptly, a dog's barking pierced the air, and it stood protectively in front of a little girl who huddled in a corner, consumed by fear and sadness. "Please... just go away," she muttered, her voice barely audible amidst her trembling breaths, as she wiped away tears.

The advancing undead drew closer, emitting a chilling groan that sent shivers down the girl's spine. Overwhelmed by terror, she let out a piercing scream, a haunting reflection of her horror.

However, just before the undead could close in on her, the metallic thud of a crowbar caved in the undead skulls, causing it to collapse to the floor. The dog barked in recognition, and the girl cautiously opened her eyes, her gaze meeting Takashi's figure as he dealt with the group of undead.

"You're doing great! I just need you to hold on a little longer," Takashi told her calmly as he swiftly turned around and swung the blood-soaked crowbar in a wide arc, smashing the zombie's skull with brutal force.

The impact sent the undead flying back, and as it hit the floor, blood, and brain matter sprayed in a gruesome display. Takashi grinned, and commented, "Pick on someone your own size."

"Behind you, Onii-chan!" the little girl warned. With Takashi's back turned against the undead, he swiftly relinquished his crossbow and grabbed the pistol from his pocket. Without hesitation, he shoved it into the undead's gaping mouth and pulled the trigger.

The zombie's head exploded like confetti, blood, and brain matter gushing out from the gruesome wound as the lifeless body collapsed to the ground.

Perking up at the sound of the gunshot, Nagi walked upstairs before entering the room Kohta was in. "That was a different sound than the gun that you're using. Was it Takashi?" Nagi asked, his voice devoid of emotion as he stepped onto the balcony.

Kohta looked up from his position, his expression serious. "Yes, it was Komuro," Kohta replied, releasing the sniper from its position on top of the rail, no longer using it as makeshift support. "What's the plan?"

"After we load the luggage into the Humvee and rescue Takashi and the girl, we're leaving this place. The Humvee should allow us to plow through the horde, though facing that many will be challenging," Nagi stated, his gaze fixed on the mass of undead flooding the streets. "It'd be difficult."

Noticing Saya waving them down, Nagi turned towards Kohta and was about to inform him, but he saw Kohta gazing toward the location of Takashi with a grin. "Well done, Komuro!" Kohta exclaimed in amazement.

Nagi walked over to the railing and observed Takashi's dangerous task of treading atop the brick walls where the undead was certainly capable of grabbing ahold of his foot. 'What a reckless solution. Though it seems to be the only option available.'

Assisting Kohta in gathering all the ammo and weapons, they made their way downstairs and out the door, much to the girl's confusion.

Sighing, Nagi looked at Kohta and realized that instead of just carrying the supplies, he went all out and strapped the ammo around him with a vest as he carried the firearms in his arms. Nagi had to admit, the guy looked like a war machine.

"Um, what's wrong?" Kohta asked. Still puzzled, Saya commented, "You look like you're enjoying yourself." Grinning, Kohta turned towards Takashi's location and retorted, "This is just some minor stuff. Compared to what Takashi is dealing with, that is."

Swiftly entering the Humvee, Shizuka took her seat in the driver's position, and without wasting any time, she turned on the vehicle's engine. The powerful rumble filled the air as the Humvee roared to life.

Pressing onto the accelerator, the Humvee sped out of the driveway and onto the streets, attracting the attention of the undead as the engine revved, giving away their location. Without delay, Shizuka swerved the vehicle towards Takashi's location, the Humvee charging through the horde, creating a macabre scene of gore.

Limbs were flung, appendages crushed, and blood coating the vehicle's doors and body. The streets became a gruesome battlefield as the Humvee plowed through the relentless undead.

Meanwhile, Takashi's face contorted with a mix of nervousness, irritation, and annoyance. "I'm sorry, but I really have to use the bathroom," the little girl told him.

Takashi came to an abrupt stop at her words but quickly recomposed himself. However, the dark expression lingering on his face couldn't be entirely erased. "...Can you hold it?"

"Um, no," she answered. "O-Onii-chan. I-I can't hold it in anymore," Alice warned in a desperate tone. Resigned to his fate, Takashi responded, "Alright. Go ahead and do it there. It's fine. I'll forgive you."

Sighing in resignation, a beam of light shone over them, causing Takashi to lift his gaze from the wall and onto the approaching Humvee. Charging through the horde of zombies, limbs broke and flew, and bodies trampled over and soared through the air before crashing back to the ground as they reached Nagi's location.

"Are they friends of yours, Onii-chan?" Alice asked in curiosity. Nodding, Takashi smiled at her query as he answered, "Yeah. Very important friends."

As Kohta cleared the nearby zombies with his shotgun, Saeko stood atop the Humvee, beckoning Takashi and asking as she brushed her hair behind her ear, "We still have to get to the other side of the river. Are you coming?"

Running along the platform, Takashi reached the end and soared into the air, effortlessly clearing the undead below. He responded, "Naturally."


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