Part 50: The Day of Unity pt. 1

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Meanwhile, Dawn waits in the same room as the portal door, along with the Collector and his mirror. Due to the ring's powers, she was tied down and unable to move from her spot.

"Great. What am I supposed to do now?" asked Dawn to herself and shrugs her shoulders.

The Collector then replies, "What are you upset about? You and Philip are returning to your human world, and we get to play a new game!"

Dawn raises a brow and asks, "Collector, aren't you suspicious of him at all? You know how he lies often. You literally know he's a liar."

"Yeah, but he pinkie promised!" countered Collector as he floats on the ceiling, relaxing. "He says he'll free me once the Draining Spell is completed!"

"Did it ever occur to you that he could be lying to you, too?" asked Dawn and sighs. "Just like he did to all of us."

"Nuh-uh!! A pinkie promise is an honest promise!" replied Collector naively. "Besides, he's been protecting you! More often than his own Grimwalker."

"Is it because I'm human?" asked Dawn bitterly.

The Collector answers, "No! Jeez! Why are grownups so complicated? Philip has had a HUGE crush on you since forever ago! You're like, the most important person to him, just like that other person."

Dawn blinks and asks, "Who?"

"Some blond guy, I don't know," The Collector then grins, "Why do you think he makes so many Grimwalkers of the same person?"

Dawn's eyes widen and recalls the blond man in those portraits. A brother, maybe?

The Collector then continues with that grin. "Philip always rants about witches taking everything he loves, so he's gonna take it out on them with the Draining Spell. For his family and you."

"Me?" repeated Dawn confused. "What are you talking about? I met Belos only months ago. And that one time before he met you. I mean, there was that one incident with Silbi when I saw Philip again days after her birthday, but I don't talk about that--"

The Collector gasps excitedly, "Oh, my gosh! You saw Philip again?! Ohh, no wonder he seemed more determined that day!"

"Y-Yeah, so I only met Philip those two times, one with Luz and one with Silbi," said Dawn. "I-I'd rather not talk about the one with Silbi."

The Collector grins more. "Heh heh. So you haven't traveled back in time for a third time yet?"

Dawn raises her brow again. "'Yet'?"

The Collector giggles ominously before they hear Belos entering. "It's time, Collector."

"Yay!" cheered the Collector, who returns to his mirror.

Belos walks in and takes the mirror with him before turning to Dawn. He smiles, "Everything will end here, my love. A pity though. I was hoping to capture Silbi or Hunter right before it started."

Dawn silently glares at him and then looks away. Belos frowns and uses the ring's magic to make Dawn face him. He leans in and smirks, "Don't be sour, Dawn. Soon we will return home to our rightful realm."

"Luz will stop you! And so will--!"

"The rebellion?"

Dawn gasps while Belos chuckles. "Don't worry. I have made arrangements for them. And if Luz comes, then so be it."

He turns his back and exits the room with the mirror in hand, now ready to start the Draining Spell. Dawn glares at his back, unable to think of a comeback yet it feels unnecessary. She was mostly concerned about other things, like Silbi and herself. The ring continues to put her in restraints so she wasn't able to move at the moment either.

"Stupid Belos! Stupid ring! Stupid me!" exclaimed Dawn, who struggles against her restraints. It was futile. After almost losing her balance and falling backward, she groans. "Urgh!! This is impossible!! . . . Hmm . . . I wonder if I can use my lucid dreaming magic to get myself out. Maybe even get the ring off?! Brain, why didn't you give me this idea sooner?!"

Dawn looks around before laying herself down on the bench and closes her eyes. She takes deep breaths and exhales, trying to calm her mind. "It might be hard to sleep now, but even if it's just a little bit of lucidity . . ."

Hopeful, Dawn tries to relax her body, waiting for her chance to strike.

(Hope the time-traveling part wasn't too confusing for some people. I will definitely write a chapter about that incident. It was an idea that came up recently and I couldn't resist.)

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