Part 38: Hollow Mind pt. 3

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(Fanart not mine, belongs to their respective owners, bow before them.)

The two stare disapprovingly at each other for a moment of deadly silence.

A flicker of loathing flashes in Belos's eyes as he walks toward Dawn. She clenches her fists and stomps her foot, keeping her ground. Dawn knows she can't escape or use her ring but she didn't want to cower either.

She exclaims, "What're ya gonna do now, witch hunter?! Huh?! Hang me?! Drown me?! Burn me at the stake?!"

Belos narrows his hollow blue eyes at her. "Do not mock me, Dawn."

Dawn braces herself and holds back her tears, expecting retaliation. However, she sees his hand reaching sincerely for her face but Dawn avoids his touch.

She replies coldly, "You've been making a mockery out of everyone, Belos. Including me."

Belos let out a heavy sigh and frowns with displeasure. "Oh, Dawn. Why can't you understand? I'm doing what's best for humanity. Our home. Soon there will be no more vile witches to plague our world."

"But at what expense?!" exclaimed Dawn as she backs away from him. "And these witches haven't even done anything to 'harm' humans? I've seen what they were! And you have, too! How can you call those sweet people vile?"

"You don't know what they took from me," sneered Belos.

"But was it really their fault?!" demanded Dawn as she points back at the memories. "Who was he to you? And why would you murder him?!"

"Now's not the time to tell you, Dawn. Not like this," said Belos as he took a step toward her and offers his hand to her. "Come with me. You can't do anything here, love. Let us go back."

Dawn glares at Belos with clenched fists and glances at his hands. She backs away more before looking back at the memories. Many memories of Philip's lies and crimes. Of his brother.

Dawn turns back at Belos and asks in a low voice. "Are you going to kill me, too?"

"Dawn, you know I would never do that," replied Belos.

She counters, "I don't believe you. I'm starting to think you never even loved me."

"Let's not get crazy here."

"I think we're too late for that."

Dawn dashes off and heads for one of the memories with the brother.

A poor choice though, especially since Belos had easily captured her before she was able to get into those memories. He caught Dawn with his gruesome arm and brings her back to face him.

"Not so tight! Not so tight!!" growled Dawn as she struggles to be free.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Dawn," said Belos as he frowns at her. "I knew you have been against me and my plans, but to even doubt my love for you is hurtful. I love you, Dawn."

Dawn continues to glare at Belos with disbelief.

Belos stares deeply at his empress, almost heartbroken even, and sighs heavily again. A lonesome frown appears on his aged face before using his free hand to bring up another memory.

Belos gently puts Dawn down and releases her from his grasp. Perplex, Dawn raises a suspicious brow while Belos gestures toward the memory. With no choice, Dawn steps forward cautiously and observes the memory.

It was back when Luz and Lilith were solving the puzzle while Dawn sleeps on Philip's shoulder. Dawn faces the memory while Belos speaks. "The moment I laid eyes on you, Dawn, was a moment I'd never forget."

An Owl House Fanfiction (Emperor Belos x Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang