The Supreme ascended into heaven in a ball of light and appeared right outside heaven’s gate in next to no time.

After Summum arrived at heaven’s gate, she took a step into the kingdom, surprised by the state she found it in. The gates were wide open, the gold-plated roads were empty, the host of angels was absent and it was just so silent. She wondered what was going on, suspecting that it may be a trap because Verum had let her pass through the gate.

“Summum,” her name was spoken out again by Verum.

He was in Heaven’s Palace and Summum decided to go up to him. She made her way through heaven, reached heaven’s palace and climbed to the very top and reached Verum’s chamber. She opened the door and went inside.

“Summum, welcome to heaven. I’m glad to see that you accepted my invitation,” Verum said from his heavenly seat.

“Why have you called me here, Brother? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of my impending takeover and want to settle things diplomatically?” Summum asked.

“As a matter of fact, I do want to settle things diplomatically,” Verum said and stood up, “For so long, I haven’t been able to have a moment’s peace due to all that has been happening. The problems with my children have for so long taken precedence over my other affairs and I just want it to end.”

“So, does that mean you’ll voluntarily step down from your seat and give it to me?” Summum asked.

“I’ll do something even better,” Verum said and waved his hands inward and then out.

The room changed and Summum could feel that more than that, the aura of heaven had changed as well.

“What did you just do?” She asked her brother.

“I just created another universe very much similar to my own,” Verum said.

The two Supremes became Celestial Lights and the world around them transformed into endless space until the universe stood in front of them; the new universe that Verum had just made and it was so small in size compared to the massive form of both Supremes.

“It has an earth with man on it. It has a heaven for you and your children to reside and unlike mine, there’s no Devil. I want to have it and rule it,” Verum said to her.

“Why would you give me this?” Summum was confused.

“You are not evil, Sister. You are a God and all gods need a world in which they rule over lesser beings. That’s all you truly want and I’m giving it to you. This way, you won’t have to invade my world, a war can be avoided and none of our children will have to die. You rule your world as you see fit and you leave mine alone.

“Is this good enough for you, sister?” Verum asked, waiting for a positive answer.

Summum turned to him and smiled in satisfaction, “This wasn’t what I was going for but I must admit, it’s good enough. I see no need to invade your heaven anymore, Brother. Thank you.”

Summum vanished from the astral plane and so did Verum. He appeared back in his heaven and all of his angels stood at the gate, waiting for him to tell them if Summum accepted his solution.

Gabriel, Fawn, Norae, Cher and all the others patiently waited for a response and their father smiled down on them.

“It is done. Heaven is safe,” Verum said to them.

And they all smiled in happiness, relieved that a war had been avoided.


Back in Josh’s home, he was still discussing with Hannah and Garin about the power to reverse time and while they were speaking, the room suddenly froze around them.

Isabelle and Josh remained still, frozen in time while Hannah and Garin were still able to move. The Celestials got on their feet and stared at themselves, wondering what was happening and they got their answer when they heard someone standing behind them.

They turned around and saw an older man with grey hair who was wearing a trench coat over his suit.

“Father?” Hannah called out to him, surprised to see him in human flesh.

“Hello, Hannah,” Verum replied.

“Why are you here?” She inquired.

“I’m here because it is time to end all of it. I was going to let it all play out differently but after considering all that would be lost in the process, I decided to end it myself,” Verum said.

“I don’t understand,” Hannah said.

“I have come to a compromise with Summum and now, I wish to do the same with you. When I cast you out of heaven, it was because I was upset by what you had done..,”

“Even though I wasn’t the first,” Hannah cut in.

“No, you weren’t the first. But, you were the first in a long time. Perhaps your punishment was too harsh. I cannot change the past but I can try to better the future. Your life on earth must come to an end, dear child, but considering all the pain and suffering that you have had to endure, you deserve to be happy in eternity.

“When you and Garin return to Harlem, you will find that the segregation between angels and demons there is no more. You will be able to spend your eternal life with the one you love, as will the others.”

Garin looked at Hannah and she at him. It was an unexpected turn of events but it was a good one; a very good one. It was a good deal, and they were both willing to take it. They were both tired and all they wanted was to be together forever. This was everything they wanted - Everything!

“Why are you doing this?” Garin asked Verum.

“Does it even matter why?” Verum replied, “It’s time to go.”

“What about them?” Hannah asked, staring at Josh and Isabelle.

“They’ll be fine. I’ll make sure of it.”

Hannah and Garin held their hands and closed their eyes, ready to be whisked away to Harlem, ready to retire in peace and enjoy eternity with each other. And just like that, Verum sent them away.

All that was left now was to fix Josh and Isabelle. Verum stood by their still bodies and placed both his palms on the sides of their heads.

“All the memories you have of everything Celestial need to be forgotten for you both to truly be happy but don’t worry, you will not forget each other,” Verum said as he erased some of their memory and also drained them of the Arch-angel time-reversal powers.

He placed them beside each other, deep in sleep for when they would wake, they would not remember Hannah, Garin, the angels, the demons, the nephalems; none of it.

They were free of the burden of knowledge and would be able to lead normal lives as they had wanted, together for as long as they lived.

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