Caring Brothers-II

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After listening to the word surgery, sakshi was worried to be said least. No matter how the doctors explained to them that there is nothing to worry and Ms will be fine in couple of weeks, her heart was pounding from an unknown fear. Watching your loved one going from a pain is such a terrible experience, she watched ms in pain from past two months and knows that the only option to reduce his pain is surgery but she was still scared. She could feel her hands and feet freezing, her lips getting dried, the lumps getting formed in her throat yet she put a fake smile on her face just to show Mahi that she is fine and not worried. As she knows that going through a surgery won't be a big deal for MS but he would definitely get worried for her and his kiddos. His kiddos, the only thing she could think of if cheeku, ro, harry any of them or maybe all of them had been here, she would get little relief. She never thought that she will get such a beautiful and big family. So many brothers, sisters, friends. They are not only Mahi's kids but her too. From the time she entered Mahi's life. She got dada, sachin paaji, rahul bhaiya, kaif, yuvi, sonu, robbie and then she got introduced to his kiddos who became her kiddos to over the time without she getting know. Cheeku, Ro, Jaddu, Harry, Bhuvi, Rishu, Jassi, Rutu she could name so many and all of them have immense respect and love for Mahisakshi. She would be forever grateful to Mahi for giving her such a lovely family. She wished them to be here, with her but she knows it's impossible since they all left for their respective tournaments. No matter how much she needs her family, she won't inform them as they will get worried. They won't be able to visit them and will be panicking there. She came out from her thoughts as Ms hugged her giving her the assurance that he will be fine.

Ms: Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Sakshi hummed in response and tightened her grip on Ms.

Ms: Kya Hmm? You know na I hate these Hmm.. and all. I need to hear your melodious voice.

Sa: I'll be fine once I see you fine.

Ms: And all I need is your beautiful smile to be fine, no matter where ever and however I am.

Sakshi gave a small smile and hugged ms.

In all these they forgot about their princess who got to know about MS's surgery from one of MS's friend. She wasn't worried much about MS as she knows that her papa is a superhero who can win every battle. But she was upset that her papa would be in hospital. She wanted to talk to someone but at the same time she didn't want bother anyone as everyone present there was busy in the process related to MS's surgery. Ms and Sakshi visited to doctor for surgery related stuff, chittu bhaiya and mahi's friends were busy in collecting and managing MS's tests reports, his health history etc. So she thought to call her bestie Harry. She was sure that only he can cheer her up. Ziva dialled Harry's number and Harry picked up on single ring.

H: Hello, my ziva the diva. What's up bro?

Z: I'm upset harry.

H: Why cutie? Why are you upset? Did Mahi bhai scold you? Wait lemme talk to him, I'll handle this situation.

Z: Nope. Papa didn't do anything, infact he is going to hospital. He is getting admitted.


Z: Harry, you are hurting my ears.

H: Sorry, sorry doll. But tell na where is Mahi bhai? I'm calling him but he isn't picking. Lemme call Sakshi. Where are they???

Z: They won't pick your call. They went to hospital to visit doctor to talk about papa's surgery.

H: SURGERY!!! This is it. I'm coming. I'll be there by the evening.

Z: Will you bring agulee too??

H: Yes, we all are coming. Wait wait, virat, ro knew about it?

Z: Nope. I didn't call them as they have gone to play important match na. I don't want to disturb them.

Memoriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें