Chapter 15 1/2

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(A/n): A sort of spoiler chapter for the future since someone expressed a dislike in this book being labeled LGBT when my main OC's love interests were all male. Feel free to skip as it shouldn't affect the oncoming chapters too much. Stay safe and have a wonderful day my kings, queens, and non-binary royalty 🥰

Valerie's POV
After this morning's episode, I called in and elected to do paperwork from home.

Well, not 'home' home. I did it in the Volturi's hotel suite in Seattle. It was just me, Jane, and Alec as the kings had taken Demetri and Felix to the Cullens house to 'discuss' their recent behavior.

I was going over death certificates and checking for any inaccuracies before stamping them with a seal proving their legitimacy. My eyes drifted over the names and after a couple pages I sat back and developed a thoughtful expression.

This caught Alec's attention first and he immediately asked "Is everything okay?" I looked up to see both their concerned faces and smiled gently before saying "No, my sweets, I just realized.... While dealing with Bella and preparing for the babies arrival, I completely forgot to pick out names."

They both blinked and I chuckled lightly at my own foolishness causing them to emit giggles themselves. I sighed before thoughtfully asking "What names do you like?" They looked startled by my question and Jane hesitatingly asked "Shouldn't that be a decision between you and the kings?"

I gave her a deadpan look before saying "Do you want to hear 'Oh, darling, whatever you think is best' or 'My dearest queen, I think that the decision should be yours' for the next hour?" They both became flustered as they realized the ridiculousness of that thought.

It had become increasingly obvious that the kings had a hard time making any decisions about me, unless it was concerning me and my babies protection, then it was execution.

Alec then tried another approach "Even so, are you sure we're the right people to ask?" I looked down at my stomach and stroked it as I said "Well, considering what I've seen of your future with them, I think that it's important that you at least like their names."

They looked at me in confusion and Jane asked "Why are our opinions important?" I looked up at them and said "Well, think, all your immortal lives you wanted two things. A mother, a proper mother, that would love and protect you unlike your human one and what else....?"

They developed confused and thoughtful looks before realization and shock appeared. They then stared at my belly in hope and awe as they realized that I carried their mates within me.

"Could...would you perhaps consider Olivia for her?" Jane asked making me blink in surprise as I smiled and said "I love that name! And it has the perfect meaning behind it! Do you think that Olivia Helen flows well?" She smiled and nodded "Her name would mean 'peaceful light' and it sounds gorgeous!" Jane said excitedly.

Now you might be a tad bit confused as to why she's so concerned about my daughter's name when she was supposed to help me pick out a name for her mate....well you see, Jane is a lesbian and Alec is gay. This means that Jane is mated to my daughter and Alec to my son.

It might seem weird to you, but immortality means that age is meaningless. I do admit that it is awkward that they technically met their mates before they were born and would watch them grow up before initiating any relationship. But they have no control over it, they were really put in a hard place this time....the least I can do it be understanding about this uncomfortable and awkward situation that we've been placed in.

Alec suddenly spoke up and said "I've always considered Elliot to be very pretty..." I tilted my head thoughtfully and said "I like how it sounds with Olivia....what to you think about Geoffrey as a middle name?" Alec excitedly nodded before asking "If you don't mind me asking..... Why do you like Helen and Geoffrey so much?"

I paused before allowing my gaze to drift towards the window revealing the rainy day " was my parents names, and since their not here to meet their grandchildren. I figured this would be a nice way to honor them" Jane and Alec developed sad looks and they both walked over to sit on either side of me.

They rested their heads on my shoulders and wrapped their arms around my belly protectively and comfortingly.

The moment was sadly interrupted by my mates opening the door causing us to look up at them "So? How'd it go?" I ask before my gaze drifted behind them to see.....

(A/n): And cliffhanger that shall be revealed in the next chapter! Along with a final lgbt ship! Please continue reading to find out more! I hope you enjoyed this little spoiler!

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