Y/n " okay we are here everyone" after long time of walking and taking some breaks the group soon reached the area, and it had gotten everyone attention to see some crashed helicopters.

Lo'ak " okay let get going"

Y/n " slow down there baby brother we have to make sure it clear and we don't make anything else mad"

Aonung " oh come on wait are we waiting for an open invitation" aonung had step out and soon started walking towards the crash site, he was soon followed by Lo'ak.

Y/n " I swear to the great mother" you soon moved quickly as aonung next move had set off a female ikran making her mad, as she started roaring and hissing at two young navi males. Aonung had become sacred as the creature was about to attack him when you came in between them.

Y/n " easy girl easy we didn't mean any harm" you soon started petting the ikran on her head and she soon clam down and stepped away from you and the two navi boys.

Y/n " what did I say"

Lo'ak " be careful while are we are out here"

Y/n " did you do that both of you"

Aonung " no we didn't"

Y/n " we are entered the nest of ikran the are many mothers here who will protect their eggs and nest, so don't step to close you can watch and study but don't touch I'm understood"

Lo'ak and aonung " yes ma'am"

Y/n " I'm understood everyone" you soon looked at the adults and everyone else in the group as they looked at each other, soon understanding you were speaking with them.

Everyone " yes ma'am"

Y/n " good come along everyone" the group had noticed on how you were allowed closer to the nest as well and how these wild Ikran were allowing you to pet them.

Y/n " we were here"

Trudy " wow" the humans soon started looking around the crash sites seeing if there anything they can take with them.

Y/n " some of the helicopters parts are still in use"

Jake " how do you know that"

Y/n " I have been here a couple time I have taken some parts before and this small human radio, it had helped me learn English over time and understand these RDA people"

Norm " well make it seems like your kid are more smarter then you"

Jake " yes it seems like that" you were looking at the ikran flying around or laying around and this time you were all alone, Jake has taken this time to speak with you.

Jake " ikran are amazing and powerful creatures"

Y/n " yes they are they don't always coming looking the same they all have their own color and sizes"

Jake " most of your siblings have gotten their ikrans all but Tuk she was to young when he left"

Y/n " maybe she will get a chance here"

Jake " yes maybe she will maybe I will take you flight on my ikran bob I have done it for your other siblings when they were small ... I and your mother have noticed you don't have a ikrans yet maybe we can help you get one"

Y/n "that sounds like a good offer"

Jake " you are sully y/n and I will make sure everyone knows that my daughter"

Jake " it seems like you and your siblings have been getting along well that makes you mom happy she, wants to see all her kids getting along well"

Y/n " I love my sibling I would do anything for them my older sibling and my younger siblings"

Abandoned sully Where stories live. Discover now