The Great Dio Nysus

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Of those of the Jedi, the decendant of Zilne Zal, who's name was Dio Nysus, who was curious of the world. In the middle of a night, after much preparations, Dio had loaded scrolls with some copied teachings of the Jedi, and the Light.

He would set out, leaving the City of Athens, and would catch a trade ship leaving the harbor. On his hip was a bronze sword, unlike his grandfather, who carried a blade of light, Dio would use his connection to the force to empower his blade.

The ship sailed, eventually reaching the far lands across the sea, ones that were ruled by "A Cursed God King". The docks were the first sign that these lands were far from the lands of Athens, as Dio noticed people were being unloaded from another ship, with ropes around their necks, as people with axes stood near by, many were smirking as they looked at the people.

Dio Nysus remembered the teachings, be the force for good in a world when good is overshadowed by evil. Just as Dio was about to draw his blade, he saw a person, or rather, a human mixed with an alien. Kneeling down, he opened a scroll and looked for the specifics, then he found it, the person looked like a hybrid between a human and a Nikto.

He held an axe and ass one of the enslaved people fell, he simply cut the head off, and kicked the body to the side, making the rest step over the body.

Closing the scroll, he can he rescue them, without risking them being killed. He looked over, seeing where they were going, following, and avoiding the armed people who walked the town. 

Eventually Dio found they were kept in a large building. Sneaking in, he found the building happen to be a store house where the people were being kept inside. Slicing the rope, Dio made sure to tell each person to remain silent, by covering his mouth with his hand. The room did have jars of wine inside. He had everyone grab baskets of food, clothes, and the jars of wine, before they made their escape. 

Dio lead the group of enslaved people out, back to the docks, and let the force guide him to steer the ship away. 

"What is your name?" One of the enslaved asked.

"I am Dio Nysus, of the order of the light. 

He over heard a whisper "He must be mad, he stole from the God King." "Only a another god could challenge the God king without being caught." "I heard there are those with the power of the God king across the sea, that live on a mountain."

The sailing of the ship would take them some ways, until landing on an island. As they landed, Dio Nysus spoke to the gathered 140 enslaved people.

"I have worked to free you, I now seek to learn, and break down the powers that captured you. Tell me, who caused you all this pain." He asked.

"The lands of the lords of the Darkness, they rule with absolute power, and threaten to destroy all those who resist. They are subservient to the lands of the black pyramid. They corrupt the minds of the lords under them, and have been creating an army of slaves, but....the eye of the Dark lady looks across the sea." One said.

"I shall take you to the lands of the light, there we shall learn to defend yourself. Then, we shall go and stop them. The Darkness shall be halted, and I will lead you." Dio Nysus explained.

"And what of the wine?" one asked.

"We shall drink and celebrate your freedom." Dio announced, opening the jar and drinking a bit of the wine.

That night, Dio Nysus held a great festival, one that lasted much longer than intended, lasting nearly a week, when it was intended to last a single night. By the time they returned to Athens. The Grand Master of the Temple of the Force, Cecrops Vetra, met with Dio.

"You have created....a situation, I felt a great anger rise in the south. I presume you left and these people were from where you traveled. What do you plan for them?" Cecrops asked.

"I am going to train those willing, we shall cross the sea and fight the enemy in their lands, before they fight us in ours. I plan to liberate, and ensure that this world remains will not fall into the darkness." Dio said.

There was a momment of silence from the Grand Master.

"Your actions are commendable, but I fear what may come from them. Our founders spoke of the war in the stars. One that has waged long. Darkness will always exsist, but the light is what holds it back. Be warry, if you truly wish to wage a war, the order will not stand with you." Cecrops explained.

"I understand Grand master. This is my choice, and I shall work to do good by the order. I only request, that in 10 years time, someone crosses the sea, and inspects the lines that I build. The Temple of light will have more students, I will seek them out, to guide them down the righteous path." Dio explained.

Cecrops nodded. 

This began the legacy, and the stories of Dionysus, the god of wine and festivals.

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