The Empress of the Levant

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The Slaver Empire of Zyria, loyal domain to the Empire of Black Sand, was rather prosperous. Many cities had allied and joined into the more alliance of city states, under the line of the Demigoddess line of the Darth.

The Current Empress, was the grand daughter of Darth Conca, Nill Conca. She was reguarded as a rather beautiful woman, having less promenant ears than her mother, but they were still very much feline like. In her palace, built upon the ruins of the city her mother destroyed, the new city was renamed, to Kots Nwul, a sith phrase meaning to Break Peace.

She lounged on a stack of pillows, in the chambers, were the measures she took to secure her power, those being, sons and daughters of the current rulers of the cities she had allied with. To those she liked, they were given special treatment, as for those she didn't fancy, they were no better than slaves to her.

Nill, though only 1/4 of her original sith lord grandmother, who passed nearly 50 years ago, was still connected to the force, enough that she could use it. Many of those who could connect to her grand mother could, as she had dozens of cousins and siblings, due to Darth Conca's enjoyment of her slaves, and the allies she made.

Nill was the legitimate heir to the throne, she proved it, and by proved, she had fooled a noble of a neighboring city, raised an army, and had them slay her half-brother. After she claimed the throne, her noble ally had just happen die due to an unknown illness.

Nill smiled, as a servant brought her wine, and a scroll, a report that came from the west, from a seafaring people. She drank the wine, tasting a poison, and smiling.

"Nice try. Guards, throw this one off the balcony, the east south one, the bodies are closer to the pits, easier for disposal." Nill ordered, before the guards grabbed the Son of the lord of Ebla. They dragged the son away, as he tried to fight for his freedom.

"You can't do this! My father will rally an army to kill you, you honorless whore!" He shouted, before with a push, was thrown off the balcony.

"Why do the cute ones always think they can kill me?" Nill asked, herself mostly, but several, people were thinking of answers, in case she called on them.

Unfurling the scroll, she began to read the report.

"Athens has honored the passing of it's grand Master of the Temple, leader of the forces of the light.

 Council Member, a master Dion Isius has begun a grand pilgrimage to the west, to document the world.

Athens has also increased the efforts on creating a trade network, primarily operating on the island chain to the east.

The twin kingdoms have begun conflict, having their armies march on the lizard king, Issca Segat the Lesser, Masked Bras, the Blood Sorcerer, and Red Lord Kerg, the beheader, have rallied their armires, while Issca Segat the Greater is holding his mounting an effort to retake Ana from the the kingdom of Kerg while his army is away.

Enva III has been named successor to Enva II, the Lands of the south of Black Sand has been subjected and will used as a launching point for future exploration.

A northern city along the coast of the east facing coast of the lands known as Troad, have begun to discuss an alliance, of trade." Nill read.

She smiled, before she closed her eyes, a trade with them could prove rather useful, more supplies, more wealth. Nill had heard of and desired to test the use of weapons of Iron. Nill stood up and the lands up north may have more secure sources of iron, with the Western lands, could be beneficial. She would need to make her way there in the future.

She walked towards the edge of the balcony, when she smiled, looking over the palace, and it's lush gardens. She would head back and start heading down, reaching the gardens, and smiled, selecting flowers, and ingredients. Nill had had some luck, a student of the blood priest had traveled to her land, and taught her some techniques, and one she enjoyed greatly.

With the ingredients she selected, Nill walked into a small temple, to her grandmother, "Dark Lady Conca", she began to crush the ingredients and mix them together in a bowl. As she got close to completing her creation, she only needed one more ingredient. She called for the son of a noble, one she knew was angry at her refusal of his proposal. She took a simple knife and with the force, she lifted him up, dangling him upside down.

Sliding the blade across his throat, he bleed, draining his life essence into the bowl, as it began to bubble. A red fog rose from the bowl, spreading across the ground, before she placed both hands on the edge of the bowl, and lifted it from the small alter.

Bringing it to her lips, she drank the potion, She felt the power flow through her body, she felt revitalized, and more powerful. She grinned, even her skin felt younger.

"Such power....I wonder....what do these beings of light have that I don't and what can I gain form them." She asked herself, grinning.

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