First Break

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Ao'nung –

I led Neteyam through the school hallways towards the courtyard. As we walked, I constantly took a few glances at him, studying his face. I do it a lot around new people, familiarize myself with their facial features. I look at everything on his face. His perfect nose, his honey brown eyes, the bundle of freckles on his nose, his sharp jawline, his brown skin, his dimple and whenever he smiles his entire face lights up. It's cute.

Wait, why am I thinking this? I'm not gay...

Anyways, we entered the courtyard and my eyes immediately zeroed in on my sister and this new boy sitting next to her at our regular table. He looked a little like Neteyam, except he had a sharper face, more brownish honey brown eyes, and had his hair tied back with 2 strands sticking out. He and my sister kept laughing and talking and it made me a little suspicious but who cares.

"Over there forest boy, there's my sister at that table in the corner!"

"Oh ok! Coming"

Me and Neteyam walked over to the table, but as we were walking Laia stopped us. Laia was the school's most hated girl, everyone disliked her because she was rude, snobby and acted like a total bi-

"Hey handsome. What's your name?" she asked seductively.

"Uh Neteyam, now if you'll excuse me, me and Ao'nung need to go- "

"Why not come sit with me and my friends? I'm sure it'll be more fun than Ao'nung and whatever his sister's name is." She interrupted, rolling her eyes at me.

That made me mad. How dare she be so rude. I was about to yell at her when suddenly, Neteyam answered for me.

"Thanks for the offer but no thanks, I'll gladly go with Ao'nung instead. And don't interrupt me again or I won't be as nice."

He looked at her with disgust as he took my arm and walked over to where Tsireya was. I looked back and saw Laia glaring at me. I just stuck my tongue out at her and continued walking. As we were walking, I realized Neteyam's hand was still on my arm, I slowly shook him off and he let go. I don't know why but as soon as Neteyam let go, that warmth that was on my arm disappeared.

"Sorry" he muttered.

"It's alright." I said back.

We arrived at the table and sat down.

"Oh, hey big bro!" The new boy said to Neteyam. "So like, I kinda forgot my lunch today and-"Before he even finished his sentence, Neteyam slid his food over to the boy. "Thanks bro! You're the best!"

"I thought you brought your sandwich. I packed it and saw you put it in your bag!"

"Well, it just kinda disappeared?"

"Next time make SURE it's in there."

"Yes big bro."

I sat there eating my pasta as Neteyam pulled his phone out and started doing whatever he was doing. I felt bad since Neteyam didn't have anything to eat so I placed some pasta onto the container lid and slid it over to Neteyam. He looked at it as he placed his phone down, then looked at me. I looked at it and gave him an assuring nod.

"You sure? You know you don't have to."

"I want to, and besides. It's your first day you HAVE to eat."

"Thanks, Ao'nung"

He pulled out a fork from his bag and gratefully accepted the pasta. I realized I never got the new boy's name, so I asked Tsireya.

"Reya, what's the the name of the boy next to you?"

"Oh, it's Lo'ak, why?" She whispered back.

"Just wondering."

She eyed me suspiciously but continued chatting and laughing with Lo'ak while Neteyam scrolled on his phone while eating the pasta. I just sat there thinking about something when suddenly someone scared me from behind.

"Roxto what the fuck?!"

"Haha, sorry man the opportunity was there so I took it."

I looked back and saw a girl with him. She was relatively short, shorter than Roxto. She had short ginger hair with a few strands tied into braids, light skin, freckles, and amber eyes. I studied her features as they both sat down. The girl in between Roxto and Neteyam. I cautiously studied her as she pulled out a sketchbook, a lunchbox and a few pencils. She started drawing as Neteyam opened her lunchbox and pulled out her spoon and fork.

"Kiri what did mama say about drawing before eating?" Neteyam said sternly.

The girl, whose name I suppose is Kiri. Looks at him before sighing and putting her sketchbook away. She starts eating her food while glaring at Neteyam, who is oblivious to it.

I look over at Roxto who is taking a few glances at Kiri. I think someone has a little crush on her. I look at Neteyam who is already looking at me. I smile at him, and he sends a shy smile back. Another thing I noticed was how his left ear became red whenever he was shy or embarrassed. It happened again now. Cute.

As we all talked the bell for first break rang and we all scurried away to our class. We all decided that Roxto would stick with Kiri, Lo'ak with Tsireya and Neteyam with me since we're in different classes.

"What's your next class?" I asked.

"Uhh history. What about you?"

"Oh sweet! I've got history as well. Mr Karukis?"


"Alright I'll show you to the class."

We walked and talked and had a great time. I found out a lot about him. He was the eldest of 3 siblings. Whom were Kiri, Lo'ak and Tuktirey, or Tuk. It was fascinating how highly he talked of his siblings, especially Lo'ak, who seemed to be the closest to him in his family. We got to class and Mr Karukis did an entire introduction and blah blah blah. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime.

"Do you need to stop by your locker Tey?"


"Yea, it's a nickname. If you don't like it, I can stop calling you-"

"No no, it's alright. Call me Tey."

"Oh, Alright, well, DO you need anything?"

"Nope, I'm all good. Let's head to lunch."

We walked to the cafeteria. There we met Tsireya, Lo'ak, Roxto and Kiri at the center table. We all ate, talked, laughed and told eachother about ourselves. I learnt more about Lo'ak and Kiri. They all seemed like good people. I think I can trust them. And I think I can trust Lo'ak with Tsireya, but we'll see.

Lunch soon ended and it was the final class of the day. Me, Tey, Kiri and Roxto all had human bio for our last class, so we all walked there. Once we got there, Professor Vailant, or Prof V., introduced himself and got started with the lesson. Mid-way throughout the lesson, I could feel someone looking my way. I started looking around and noticed Neteyam looking at me. I feel my cheeks turning red and quickly look away. Why am I feeling this way? I don't like boys! And anyways, Neteyam is just a friend. A cute, kind, generous, beautiful and amazing friend.





Hey pookies! Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been studying hard haha

Might post the next part soon! I'm getting excited ahaha

Next part would be character profiles! If i'm motivated that is lmao

Anyways, comments and votes are always appreciated! Thank you <3


-Fay <3

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