Chapter 52

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Commissioner house

Zhao's attending Shen's family party when Jian attacked by that lady......After that it came to know that the woman who killed Jian......had already died 20 years ago. After this, Shenwei was attacked and then Megan was murdered.....and then, that incident with Xiyun in Hong Kong.

Soon after Ming was attacked and Anbai was kidnapped and....then, Ming was killed and Anbai was found. After that, the psycho killer was caught and once again attacked on Jian, but by mistake. Because Attaker's target was Yichen.

Both recall the whole events and looking at each other.....with empty hands. But suddenly Zhujiu remember something "did you get the enquiry video tape of that place.....which the psycho killer, told us?" Zhujiu asked and Chu give him.

"Play it..." Chu insert the tape in video player and both start watching the tape carefully. "What the hell....!?" Both shockingly looking at the video and Zhujiu grit his teeth "how can we missed that important thing...!"

"Let me inform about it Yunlan...." Chu about to dial Yunlan's number "No! It's not a good idea. We have to think something else first....then will inform Yunlan" Zhujiu said and Chu agree for that.


Zhao house

After what happened to Jian. Zhujiu gave some trained police officers for Zhao's family security. Because he doesn't want anything bad....happens with his sister's kids.

Jian get discharge from the hospital and resting in his room. He was sleeping peacefully when Yunlan step inside the room. Zhao sits on the bed and lovingly cares Jian's cheek "I'm very sorry! Because of my selflessness you have to suffer like that. Please sweetheart, forgive your father....if it's possible."

Yunlan said to his sleeping boy having tear in his eyes. He lean to kisses Jian's forehead then leave from there.

He step inside Lihua's room and did the same to her. He apologized for everything and kisses her forehead.....then go. "" Zhao stop at the door when he heard Lihua's mumbling in her dreams.....while enjoying her afternoon nap. He smiled and go from there wiping his eyes.

"Dad, you okay?" Yichen ask to his father seeing him upset. Zhao faintly smile and hugs his son. "I made a mistake....a very big mistake. I want to apologize to Wei for this....Otherwise, my soul will not get peace after death"

"Dad please! Don't talk rubbish. Never said this again....I can't even think of losing you. Then how could you say such a big thing?" Yichen was very offended by Yunlan's words. He could not control himself and shouted on his father.

Zhao understood that he had speak mistakenly....that's why Yichen could not tolerate it. "I am sorry dad! I didn't mean to..." He look away and Yunlan cares his back "it's okay! And I'm sorry for what I said to you. Please forgive me..."

Yichen smiles and hugs his father dearly "go! And talk to him....I know, he will understand you and maybe get ready to give us....our new didi or meimei" Yichen said and Yunlan get emotional. He was stupid he was that thinking, his kids going to hate Wei's baby.

"I try my best..."

Yunlan go from there after talking his dear son. "Best wishes for you....!" Yichen said and went to tell about it to his grandfather.

WHY......?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon