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Third Person's POV

"Xingqiu and chongyun hurry up we're all ready to start practice" yelled venti. "We're right here no need to scream" chongyun said to the boy. "Took you guys long enough" said scaramouche annoyed "Since we're all here let start" venti said happily".

(Venti is the lead singer, Xiao plays keyboard, Chongyun plays guitar and is the backing vocalist, Scaramouche plays drums, Xingqiu plays bass guitar and kazuha is the electric guitar player)
(If you don't like what they play aka they're roles blame the wheel)

                     After practice

"Does anyone want to get something to eat" said kazuha, "MEEE!! Yell venti and Xingqiu,"I don't mind going" said chongyun, "sure" said the very tired scaramouche, and Xiao just nodded.

                    After everything

(Sorry I am very lazy and couldn't think of anything to put)
"we could watch a movie before we go to sleep" Said Xingqiu very sleepy "ooo we could have a sleepover in the living room" said Venti, everyone agreed with the plan and got everything ready for the sleepover.They watched horror and romance movies before they all fallen asleep

         Two and half months later 

"Aether guess what I got, I got tickets for Lover boys concert!!" said aether's friend "wait who?" Aether said confuse. " you don't know who lover boys are omg were you living under a rock they are one of the most famous boy band, they have great music and not just that they are all so handsome" "haha I guess I just never heard of them" aether said " well know you do and you are going with me to their concert next week hope you no plans"."oh let me check" said the boy picking up his phone checking to see if he has anything plans for next week." Guess you just got lucky I have no plans but It's not on a school date is it" aether ask", "nope" aether's friend said

              The day of the concert

" Heyy omg you look great aether love the color come now before we're late" aether friend said."thanks you look great too"said aether very happy by the compliment he got by he's friend
"When is the concert starting by the way" ask the beautiful blonde boy. " Oh yeah I guess I never told you haha well it start in 3 hours" said the friend "and don't worry it is just an one hour drive"

                     At the concert

Aether's pov

When we got to the concert there were a lot of People here. I guess she was right there are pretty famous or because there were others bands performing here. When we went to our seat I found out that she got us front row seat. Before we got to the concert she told me more about lover boys and her favorite one. There were many bands that perform before lover boys they play great songs and were pretty good looking."omg it starting it's they're turn omg I bet that you'll love them so much" said aether's friend

Hello there,thanks for reading this if anyone is reading
Hope you joy it so far

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