45 ➹ its you and me

ابدأ من البداية

"The nicest," Valé agrees, with no strain in her tone. She's like an elastic that won't wear thin. "Are you planning on making a move?"

I can't help myself, I laugh at this. It's far too quiet and only has my shoulders shaking.

"Now why would I do that?" I ask, cocking my head as I eye her. It's a silly question really, especially since the only thing I've ever wanted is her.

"Because you've felt the need to compliment everyone here but me."

I look over my shoulder to make sure we aren't being listened to, fortunately for us and unfortunately for everyone else Sage is recounting the time he and Atlas helped a goat give birth, so we're safe.

"Do you need my validation or something?" Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

She huffs out a breath of anger, "Why would I need your validation when it's obvious you want me."

"Obvious? Someone is cocky."

She shrugs, her confidence seeping off of her so sensually that it's taking everything in me not to reach out and touch her, touch, touch, touch. "Say you don't."

I tsk, shaking my head. "I can't."

"Don't be embarrassed, Caleb." She whispers so quietly that the chirping of the birds almost drowns her out, "I want you too."

I feel my cheeks burn like I'm five again, my hands tense by my side and I clear my throat. She's still smiling when she turns around from me and gets involved in another conversation.

She moves her seat closer to the table, and underneath the cover, I feel as she runs a finger up my clothed thigh. When I look over, she's still speaking.

Fuck me.

It's not until much later when the lunch has wrapped up and everyone is awkwardly saying goodbye to those they aren't currently sporting tension with that Valé finds me again.

I've taken to hiding in the kitchen, unwanting to hear anyone else mutter the words, "can't wait to see you again," when it's obviously strained.

"Why are you hiding?" Valé asks, rounding the large kitchen countertop until she's reached me. There's no touching the, of course, God forbid she just touch me. Fuck, I need her to just touch me. When did I become such a whiny little shit?

"I'm not hiding," I say, pouring out the liquor that I'd originally had into my cup down the sink.

"Oh, sorry. I just thought you scurried out the second you said goodbye to Winter only to end up in the secluded kitchen was you hiding. Maybe I'm wrong,"

"Not maybe," her brows draw up, "probably," she rolls her eyes, but there's no conviction to her anger.

"Valé, we're leaving!" Nadia calls out from the other room. The sound has both our eyes drawing to the open hallway, when we look back at each other I stare at her, waiting.

"My parent's have gone back to Addis Ababa for the week, that's-."

"The capital of Ethiopia, yeah I know." She nods then, a glimpse of smile showing. "I'll be at home," well, the Cathans but she doesn't need to know that. She makes, an 'ah' sound. "What are you trying to say Valé?" I know what she's implying, I'm thrilled about it, really. I just want her to say it out loud.

"You know what."

I shake my head, "I'm afraid, I'm not sure."

"Don't be like this."

Nadia calls her name again, her voice drawing closer.

I watch as she swallows, "Do you maybe want to come over?"

What They've Done To Usحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن