Chapter 4

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—{Sean Pov}—
Day 6-8/ ep5

Me and Bell are taking care of a crying hung over Hestia in the abandoned church. "Um are you ok Goddess Hestia" Bell asks hold a cup of water for her which she takes and drinks all of it instantly.

"Is something wrong your acting kind of weird" bell asks as I sigh still sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hmph I'm fine Whatever who cares what you think dirty cheater" she says facing away from bell.

"Oh, uh, Goddess? This might be a bad time but when's the next day you have time off" bell asks making me sigh as I get up and go to the couch. "Time off what d'ya mean" Hestia asks turning to him.

"Well, it's just that, uh I've been making a lot of money in the dungeon recently and I want to repay you for everything you've done for me would you maybe want to go to dinner with me to a fancy dinner sometime? Just the two of us" bell asks scratching his cheek while I get into my armor. "Like... a Date?! How's Today yeah Today WE'RE GOING TODAY!" She says pushing bell towards the wall with her head.

"Uh I thought you were sick?" "Nope all better! Kay Meet me at 6 o'clocks sharp tonight in the southwest Amour Plaza Okay?" Hestia says as bells nods but I leave


I give bell a quick pep talk on dates before I go Hestia arrives and soon enough the others goddess show up and it's a full on chase threw the city which I laugh at as I go off to the dungeon. "Have fun bell" I say as I walk off.


It's now the next day and we're in the dungeon with Lili killing ants and white rabbits with horns. "Master bell look out" Lily says as a bunny knocks bell down.

"Leave Him Alone!" Lily uses magic and hits the Ant with it as bell kills it while it's stalled. Soon enough we killed them all "I didn't know there were so many mini Bells" I say and wipe away some sweat as i sheathe my sword again.

"H-hey I'm not a rabbit" bell says as I laugh and pick up the stones of the monsters I killed. "Are you ok Master bell?" Lily asks as she goes up to him.

"Uh huh you saved me Thank you" bell says tiredly as he sit on the ground. "S-sure thing" Lily says do her act of innocence.

"Hang on... did you just use magic?" Bell asks standing up. "Oh no I have magic knife" she says hold her out print close to her body.

"Really?! You chose to use something that valuable for me? Thanks a lot" bell says in a astonished and grateful voice. "Uh... don't mention it I wanted to help you out so..." she says i her act.

Soon we sit down me and bell open up the food Syr gave us "wow magic really is something huh" bell says taking off his glove while I start eating. "Here I though you might be hungry" bell lifts his up for Lili to take some.

"Uh thank you very much.. hey master bell would it be okay if I took a day off tomorrow" she asks in a somber voice. "That's cool you got something planned?" Bell asks turning to her.

"There is this big familia meeting and I sorta have to be there but I know it's a breach of contract so I'm prepared to pay the price" she says her voice sounding sad as she looks down. "No no! You don't have to do that I should of said this before but we're not like that okay if you ever want a day off let us know" bell says as he starts eating and I finish my food and nod.


We're in Hostess of fertility as I put my food box in my bag "there all finished" bell says handing his to her. "Your taking a little break today not Sean, Huh?" She says to bell as I stand next to them. "I am so now I've got some Free time what do you like to do on your days off, Ms Syr?" Bell says as he scratches the back of his head.

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