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Four (wow people are reading this)
[Lars looks like Bartok from Anastasia]
"Get out." I say. 

"What?" Kirk says. 

"Get. Out." I say. 

"O-okay!" He says running out my front door. 

Wow. That just happened. I shouldn't have thrown him out. But I needed him somewhere else so I could think. This felt right. But it couldn't be. I have a perfect boyfriend. He's so perfect. Maybe too perfect.

•. •. •.

After an hour of contemplating I brush my curtains to the side to see Kirk in the backseat of his car playing his guitar. I decide to go out there.

I walk over to curb where he's parked and he looks up when he sees his line of light is blocked.
I smile. He smiles back. He puts his pick between the strings and lays his guitar aside.

He crawls to the window and rolls it down putting his fire arms in the window and resting his chin on them. 

"What's up?" He asks. 

"I thought about it and I think you can come back inside."

"Oh really?" He says raising his eyebrows. 

"Yea, sorry. I freaked out." I say. 

"I don't think your boyfriend would like that very much." He says leaning forward. 

"So?" I say leaning in. 

"You are making it so hard not to break bro code right now." He smiles.

"Fuck the codes." I say. He gets out of the car and kisses me again. But this time it feels more special.

"I'm gonna try and sleep, on your couch of course, see you in the morning." He says winking and carrying his stuff back inside.

•. •. •.

I'm half-asleep when I hear the door bust open. Kirk is sleeping next to my bed on the floor when he flinches awake. 

"What was that!" He says sleepily.

"Kirk!" A familiar voice shouts. 

"Kirk you here?!" Another voice yells. 

"Guys!" Kirk yells disappointingly. He walks out of my room and down the stairs, I follow.

At the landing of my stairs I see James, Lars, and Cliff. "There you are!" James says holding his arms out smiling. 

"You just up and left." Said Lars. 

"No you guys kicked me out." Said Kirk shaking his head. 

"Ohh yeah, uhh..." Cliff said pointing at him. 

"You guys are a terrible cover." I laughed.

"You were here Kirk?" James said looking around. 

"How'd you even get in?" I ask. 

"The key was under the doormat." James shrugged. 

"You should really move that." Said Lars. 

"So I've been told." I say.

They all start heading for my kitchen and I run after them to make sure I don't get cleaned out.

"Guys! This isn't home." Kirk says prying James from my pantry. 

Lars slowly shoves the rest of a chip he had in his mouth and quietly closes the bag.

Cliff just sits against the stove and lights a cigarette with my gas burner. 

"God, you guys are such animals." Cliff says stoically. "Yeah we didn't kick him out. He just kinda left" he says taking a drag from his cigarette.

I look back at him. He just fake smiles and shrugs. 

"I should've known." I laugh. 

"He really is doing the most." James says. 

"Kirk we should get going." Says Lars.

"I guess I'll see you later y/n." He says with his stare.

Then the phone rings. 


"Hey, love. I was thinking, we have a picnic in the park tonight and watch the sunset." Atlas says in a happy tone. 

"Sure." I say. 

"I'll pick you up at five." He says.

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