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Six (My sister reads my story and she's mad that y/n didn't meet Freddy) [I'm not touching that thing I'll get neurotypical cooties]


"I had a family emergency." I lie. 

"Well, you could've called." He said. 

"I didn't really have time to." I say trying to get my whole story together. 

"I get that. I just wished I could have been there for you." He says in admiration. He gets out of the car and gives me one of his famous hugs, and I die inside. Why am I doing this to such a sweet being. 

"You have the most beautiful eyes. Have I ever told you that?" He says cupping my cheeks. 

"I think that's a new one." I quip. 

"Well I guess I better get going." He says putting his hands in his pockets. "My mom wants me over for casserole or something" He gave me one last hug before getting in his car and leaving. 

I go inside, and plop down on the couch. I look at the arm of the couch and draping over it is his jacket. Kirk's. I get another one of those flashes. Laughing it up in the van, Kirk's crooked smile, the smell of beer, my head on his shoulder. I slept through the day, and eventually woke up around 3 am with a pounding headache. 

*. *. *. 

A week goes by and I get a couple visits from Atlas, and one call from Kirk saying that he's going on tour in Sweden and I should go with him. I tell him no, I can't just go to Sweden without telling anyone. I'd have to tell Atlas otherwise he might think I've been kidnapped or something. Kirk agreed and said he'd miss me. 

 One rainy, Saturday night, I was watching TV, and eating dinner when my doorbell started going off like crazy. I open the door to see Kirk in tears. 

"Kirk?" I said. "What happened?" 

"Cliff. He's gone." He sniffs. 

I hug him because that's the only thing I know to do. I let him in because who leaves a grieving person out in the rain. 

I pull some sushi out of the fridge and put it on a plate. 

"Don't know how much this helps, but I got some of your favorite." I say putting the plate on the coffee table. 

"It could have been me. It should have been me." He says, another tear rolling down his face. He doesn't make a lot of eye contact, but I still look at him, all his sadness sitting on his cheek in a little tear. 

When he does finally look at me, I can see the confusion in his eyes, but he doesn't hesitate to kiss me. The kiss is deep and sorrowful, like he is giving me part of his sadness. I feel the knife wound of a loss he's feeling. He does a lot more crying and I hold him and stroke his hair like I used to and after that he's asleep. I can see his pain even in his sleep. He has a few nightmares in which I have to calm him down. I don't mind taking care of him though. Anything to make him feel better. 

*. *. *.

I wake up the next morning with Kirk by my side the bed sheets soaked in tears. I decide to cook him something, in hopes that will make him feel better. He comes downstairs looking as empty as ever. 

"Hey, I cooked you some breakfast." I say showing his plate. 

"You really didn't have to do that." he said. 

"It was the least I could do." I say giving him a fork.  

Then I hear a knock at my door.

I open it to see James and Lars looking pretty tired. 

"Can we come in?" James shivers.  

"Yes, of course." I say letting them inside. 

"I think we should talk." James says leaning against the counter. 

"Yeah, definitely." Kirk says looking down. 

"I think we should focus on the good times we had with him." James says. "So we can get back on tour." 

"Are you insane?" Lars says. "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be stuck on this for a little while." 

"Will you man up?" James barks. "Our fans are waiting. Do you know how much business we'll lose?"  

"You miss your money and your fans more than your best friend?" Lars starts. "How typical of you." 

"JUST STOP!" Kirk yells over them. "This is not helping anyone." he says. "We'll take a break for a bit and then we'll go back on tour, okay?" 

Lars and James nod. They all gave each other awkward looks and formed a group hug.  James wipes his tears once he comes out of the hug. He told me before that crying "is un-metal". 

The phone rings. 

"Nobody move." I walk over to the phone and pick it up. 

"Hey Sunshine, can I come over? I haven't seen you in a while." Atlas says. 

"Uh... Yea sure." I say motioning for the guys to get the heck out of dodge. 

The guys leave and Kirk gives me a kiss on the way out. I see Atlas pull into my driveway. 

"Hey, I tried to call you last night but I guess because of the storm it didn't go through." He said as I opened the door. 

"Yeah, it was probably the storm." I say shrugging. "I actually have to take a shower, so can you hang tight?" 

"Yeah, I'll just hangout." He says sitting on my kitchen counter.

 I take my shower and once I get out I see Atlas in my closet, on the floor, pictures spread around him. 

"What is this?" Atlas says looking at me with tears in his eyes.

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