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TWO (Idek how I finished that chapter)
[so I'm sitting there barbecue sauce on my titties]
(If you don't get that reference, leave.)

I'm sitting on my bed reading my book ,when I get a call. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"It's your Lassie, just wanted to say thank you for tonight." He sighs happily. "Did you like the concert?" 

"I loved it. They were great." 

I barely remember the actual concert, all I remember was hearing the first song, yelling at those girls, hiding behind a bush, and Kirk. The rest is a blur of thrash guitar and screaming.

I decide to go to sleep so I can stop thinking about my mess of a life and escape for a while.
For a little while at least.

•.  •.  •.

I wake up to the smell of sweet, buttery, pancakes. Wait. I run downstairs to see my precious Atlas at the stove poking at the pan with a spatula.

"How'd you get in?" I ask leaning against the counter. 

"Key was under the doormat." he said flipping the last pancake onto the plate. "You should really consider moving it." 

"No, cause then the robbers will think I'm too smart for that and then find my key." 

"Eat your pancakes before I do."

I look down at my plate; two, giant, pancakes with a smiley face in chocolate chips. God, I love this man.

•. •. •.

"Sooo... how are they?" He asks smiling with anticipation. 

"They are amazing!" I say getting up from my seat. He hugs me, the smell of his cologne is familiar.

I get another memory, Kirk and I on my lumpy couch, my head on his chest, a horror movie marathon, and that same cologne.

"You smell good." I say pulling away from the hug. 

"You think? It's new." He says smiling. 

"I really like it." I say. He kisses me as we are already that close anyway. Then the phone rings.

"I'm gonna get that." I say. 

"Ok, I'll be in here." he replies heading towards the living room, plopping down on the couch. The tv switches on, I hear him flipping through the channels as I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I say. 

"You always sound so scared when you answer the phone." I hear. 

"How'd you get my number?" I ask. 

"Phone book. duh." Kirk replies. 

"Is your husband there?" 

"No- He's not my husband." I say. 

"He sure did look like he was gonna propose after you came out from behind that bush."

"He was just worried. Ok he actually cares about me." I snap. 

"Who said I don't care about you?" He asked. 

"Who are you on the phone with Y/n?" Atlas asks. 

"A friend, I'll be done in a sec." I reply. 

"Ok I'll find something for us to watch." He says.

"A friend?" Kirk jeers. 

"What was I supposed to say?" I say walking into a different room. "A guy I used to date who is the lead guitarist of Metallica?" 

"I suppose." He says. 

"I gotta go my boyfriend wants to watch something." 

"I'll call you later." He replies. 

"No, no later, you can't call me anymore." I say but he had already hung up the phone.

I walk into my living room to see a fuzzy camcorder video on the tv. 

"I put on one of your home videos that were in the corner." He says smiling back at me. 

The tour videos.

"This is so cool was this on MTV or something?" He asks. 

"Yep, uh can we watch something else please?" I say running to the front of the VCR to rip the tape out. 

"Why?" He asks scrunching his eyebrows.

"How about Goonies? Breakfast club? Licensed to drive?" I say. Anything but that tape. 

"Yea sure." He answers looking at me suspiciously. "What's got you all tense?" He asks pulling my shoulder to his chest. 

"Nothing, there was just something really embarrassing on that tape. I didn't want you to see it."

All the lies. I hate lying to him. He doesn't deserve this. He's a really good guy. I shouldn't feel like have to lie to him.

We watch The Breakfast Club and Atlas spends the rest of the night kissing me and telling me he's sorry. I told him he doesn't have anything to apologize for but he insisted that he crossed a boundary. Even if he did I already feel bad about freaking out.

He hugs me for a good, long, while before he leaves. I shut the door and run to the living room to grab all of Kirk's shit and throw it in the attic. I grab everything that has any speck of him and put it in the attic.

As I'm grabbing the box of Polaroids from my closet, the phone rings. There's only one person that could be.

"What do you want Kirk?" I say. 

"Is he gone?" He asks. 

"Why do you need to know?" I ask. "I need to get away from this pigpen." He says. "I know you always keep a candle lit. These guys however... don't even get me started." He laughs. 

"Are you asking to come over? No." I say.

"What about the porch, am I allowed to sleep there?" He asks. 

"No. Aren't you rich enough to get a hotel room?" I ask 

"No, our manager is really tight on our money right now." He explains. "And the guys kinda locked me out because they thought I was saying I was better than them."

"If I do even say yes, it's the couch or nothing." I reply. Shit. I caved. "And you're leaving tomorrow morning." I say. 

"Yes ma'am." He says hanging up.

I wait on my doorstep until I hear his car rolling up to my house. He gets out and slings a backpack onto his shoulder. Why did I agree to this.

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