Chapter 06

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Chapter Six - Adelaida


Professor McGonagall started calling us one by one.

Severus took a while, but he was in Slytherin.

Narcissa, as I expected in Slytherin.

Alice in Gryffindor.

James, I think it's obvious where he went.

Peter took a while, but in the end, he was put in Gryffindor.

When it was Sirius's turn, everyone was surprised that he was in Gryffindor and not Slytherin like all the Blacks.

Remus to Gryffindor, all the Marauders are together, it was obvious.

Lucius Malfoy also appeared, and before the hat touched his head, he shouted Slytherin.

Frank Longbottom was in Gryffindor.

Marlene Mackenna was also selected for Gryffindor.

- "Evans, Lily," - Shouted the professor.

I started walking with my head held high until I reached the stage and sat down on the wooden chair, Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on my head.

Hat: Mmm, so Lily, or should I say, Rory?

'Shit! Sorry, I got scared and Lily's fine' - Hearing the hat's voice, I almost jumped.

Hat: So far as I can see you're not Lily, well not quite.

'No, well yes I am'

Hat: Shocker, I've never seen anything like it before.

'Would you mind not saying anything to the headmaster or anyone in general?'

Hat: Of course, we wouldn't want him to ruin your plans.

'I'd rather not, it would be annoying to deal with him'.

Hat: It's quite understandable, the headmaster tends to mess with things he shouldn't.

'May I ask what sort of things?'

Hat: Once the headmaster asked a teacher to tell a student about some magic

'What kind of magic?'

Hat: I think I should choose your house now.

'Are you ignoring me?'

The hat just kept ignoring me.

Hat: Mmm let's see cunning, determination, and ambition you would make a fine Slytherin, but you are also brave and bold, from what I see you are capable of breaking the rules.

I looked around, and everyone seemed anxious to know why it took me so long to choose a house.

'Sometimes you have to break them to reach your goal. And could you please not ignore me or else I will burn you'

Hat: I see, I look forward to talking to you again, and don't forget you can go your own way.

'Then you won't tell me the whole joke.'

After five minutes of talking to the hat, he finally shouted where she would be for the next few years.


The whole dining room was silent, some people looked at me with surprise, others with pity or contempt.

My gaze met Severus, he had a small smile on his face and a happy gleam in his eyes.

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