Chapter 02 [Rewritten]

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It's been nine years since I arrived, the time I was here was fun, Petunia and I got along very well, Mum and Dad say we are inseparable and that makes them happy, they say that family is important for us to get along well, and I agree, besides I made an effort to get along well so that in the future she wouldn't hate me.



I was in the kitchen with Mom and Dad, and they were trying to give me some kind of applesauce, it didn't look too good, Dad reached for the spoon, but it hit him and fell all over his face.

- "LILY" - Mum said in a scolding tone, as Petunia came in laughing at the sight of Dad with applesauce on his face.

'It's my time.'

- "Tune" - When I said that everyone looked at me, Petunia with a big smile, Mom and Dad were surprised, and since my first word was for Petunia, and I'm only six months old I had to practice a lot.

- "Say it again." - She said as she came closer and tried to carry me - "Say it again, Lily."

- "Tune, tune" - I said as I laughed to see her happy.

- "HER FIRST WORD WAS ME, SHE SAID MY NAME!" - She shouted as she hugged me tightly, while Mum and dad looked at us tenderly.

- "Very good, Lily." - Mum came over and hugged us - "Congratulations on being her first word, Petunia." - After that, Petunia took me to play.

- "They will be inseparable when they grow up." - He said as he hugged his wife's shoulders and watched his daughters play.

'I hope so.'

End of Flashback


After that Dad and Petunia came over to hear me call them and thanks to that they gave me chocolate behind Mum's back, Mum on the other hand didn't give me chocolate as she knew Dad and Tune were sneaking me chocolate, but it made her happy to hear me call her and even more so when I walked for the first time.



It had been a year since I arrived, by now everything was the norm as a family of four.

I could already say more things and walk a few steps, but they didn't know that because I wanted to walk without falling.

Today was a sunny day, so we were going to a park, Mum and Dad were at my sides holding my hands, so I wouldn't fall, while Petunia was running ahead when she stepped on a stone and fell to the ground.

- "PETUNIA!" - Before they could move, I let go and walked toward her, who was on the ground.

- "Tune, are you okay?" - I asked as she looked at me in surprise, as did Mum and Dad.

- "You can walk." - She said, ignoring my question.

- "Yep," - I said happily, at which point Mum and Dad came up to us.

- "Petunia, are you okay?" - - This time it was Dad who asked.

- "Yes, I'm fine." - She looks at him and then at me - "Lily can walk" - She said happily looking at me.

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