Chapter 10: Factions Situation

Start bij het begin

"Is something wrong?" Sirzechs asked

"What do you think will happen in the fight?" Grayfia asked with worry, she, like her husband, was also having doubts.

"I believe Dai will win..." Sirzechs spoke with assurance, however Grayfia could sense some opposition to his very assurance, as she asked

"But you are not so sure of this right?" Sirzechs looked away, as he spoke

"I have doubts Grayfia, honestly, I am not so sure now" Sirzechs's words made Grayfia worried. "Hyoudou was able to be strong enough to make Ajuka and Lord Zeus terrified of him, he does what he feels like, and taking them both down, seems to be heavenly dragon level, and that was what I fear, Hyoudou is too strong, so I doubt Dai would be able to take him, if anything he might be the strongest opponent Dai would face."

Sirzechs's tone was serious, as Grayfia was now concerned, as she spoke with worry.

"So will Dai do it?" Grayfia asked, "We all saw him as the weak and liar brother of the pillar, but now he has become strong enough to take down Lord Ajuka and Lord Zeus."

"That is exactly why I am concerned, Grayfia, let's just hope that Dai is able to pull a miracle, like he usually does" Sirzechs spoke, to which Grayfia nodded, as she then teleported out of the castle, with Sirzechs once again being frustrated remembering what had happened.

"I hope you win Dai, you are our last hope in getting your brother to our side" Sirzechs spoke with horror and fear, he couldn't imagine what would happen if Dai would lose.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes, and looks at Dai with a determined look.
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at his brother in the eye, as they both clash their swords.

Opening End

Heaven, 9:30 AM

Michael, Uriel and Raphael, were discussing on the fight that would happen in the next five days, as Gabriel couldn't come due to her terrible condition, it only worsened when she had heard that Elizabeth and Mirana were 'sold' to Issei, thanks to Zeus.

She blamed Michael for letting this happen, Elizabeth had come back, but Mirana did not, as she was happy that one of them chose to come back.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Elizabeth only came back due to Issei convincing her to do so.

"So, only five days remain huh?" Michael spoke trying to start up a conversation, as Uriel and Raphael spoke, they weren't happy with Michael not standing up for his angels.

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