//• 75 •// They're coming to take me awaY, hAha! //

44 5 9

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~ Remember when you ran away
and I got on my knees
to beg you not to leave me
'cause I'd go berserk?


You left me anyhow and
Then the days got worse and worse
And now you see I´ve gone completely
out of my mind ...

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I know, I know. I was supposed to work on the suggestions, but when I was about to stArt, I listeN to soNgs, so came across this old soNG, and suddenly had this idEa to draw smthn dArK with duCkie-

I guess you could say, abandoniNg said duCkie is noT a very niCe idea, b'cuz if you aRe the one who did it and are aLive, she might just lose her mind enough to fiNd you, and kiLl you for doing it-

She's no big fan of being left aLone, you know- :^

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Art Book (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora