Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Start from the beginning

"Traveler's tea. But I used it all and now we have no way back." Wu answers, unsure of how to get back to Ninjago. But Garmadon was undeterred. "There is only one way to return to Ninjago. But to get there we must pass through the Mountain of Madness and it is a long and dangerous road ahead." He states. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Wu replies. "We should leave. Before it really gets dark." Garmadon states. Wu looks up at the already dark sky then follows Garmadon. The two may be enemies now, but they will always have a brother in each other.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sit on my knees as I meditate in my room. My eyes closed as I try to concentrate. I steady my breathing and I soon see a familiar faint green aura. Lloyd. He is still held prisoner but I can feel that he is unharmed. I sigh a little in relief but then I got an idea. Maybe I can track the Serpentine. I focus as I try to find where Pythor is. He wants to make the people pay so he will be leading the search. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.

I open my eyes as I sigh in frustration, "Dang it." I stand up and walk out of my room. I glide my hand on the wall as I walk down a hall. I miss him. I miss how we would play together. I saw a lot of myself in Lloyd and I wanted him to not feel as lonely as I did growing up. I stop and look down in thought. "Why must this be so difficult?" I ask myself. I then feel my powers flare up as I use my powers to find out that it was Jay. But then I felt him become nervous.

I ignore it and assumed it must be because of his date with Nya. I shrug and make my way to the bridge. "Pythor would not be there for fun." I stop before I enter, "We believe a Fangblade may be buried underneath the park." I hear Zane and enter the room. "Fangblade or no Fangblade, we have to go there now." I state entering the room. "Yeah, we can't let them get it. Oh, but my date," Jay says before remembering his date. "Jay, if they get all four of them, Pythor can unleash the Great Devourer. Get your priorities straight, man." Kai says to him. Jay looks down but then perks up with a smile.

I then feel Nya's presence near, "Okay, Jay, you go and talk to Nya while the rest of us head down to Mega Monster Amusement Park to retrieve the first Fangblade. Let's go!" I exclaim and Cole, Zane, and Kai, hurry off to get their weapons. I stay behind and once they were gone I grab Jay's arm. "Okay, spill." I order. "Uh, what do you mean?" He asks nervously. I watch him closely and he glances down at his arm that is in my grasp. I look down and pull off his glove and find that his hand is covered in scales. "Jay," "I know. I know! But it's not that bad. Look, it's probably nothing so please don't tell anyone. Especially Nya." He begs me.

We stare at each other for a while but I give in. I sigh, "Fine. Hopefully, you listened to our class earlier." I tell him, letting him go and giving back his glove as I go to catch up with the others. I really hope he knows what he's doing. I get my fans and meet up with the others. "What took you so long?" Kai asks me. "Just had to deal with something first. Now let's go slander some snakes." I reply, putting on my hood and jumping off the Bounty. I hear the boys cheer and I look behind to find Zane the closest to me and he grabs my hand so I can get on his vehicle.

I see the ground get closer. "Hey, mind if I try something?" I ask Zane. "I do not see why not." He replies I lay a hand on his shoulder and close my eyes as I focus on my powers. I feel my powers bond with Zane and when I open my eyes, I see a purple crystal ramp for us to drive on. "Head for the ramp!" I exclaim. Zane does so and we get on. I look back to find the others and they get on too. I smirk as I get an idea and make another ramp as we drive off it. "Woo-Hoo!" "Yeah!" We land on the ground and head to the park. "(Y/N), that was awesome!" I look at Kai as he drives next to Zane and I. I look to find Cole on the other side, "You've got to do that again!" He says. I smile a little under my hood. "We'll see. Come on, Z, let's leave these two in snow!" I say to Zane. "I am happy to comply." He responds and speeds up. I laugh and enjoy the feel of the wind against my face.

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