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"How come you knew it all?", Mari asked as she was curious how Changbin knew most of her 'situations'. Although it may not be for the good, she still did it just because she wanted to protect someone, help her to live. She was most likely compelled do be how she is.

"I know it may sound creepy, though I never stalked you, I promise, I've been seeing you around since middle school? Wow, I don't even remember, it's been so long.", Changbin was a bit startled at the thought of knowing her for so long. Not knowing her, looking at her from afar.

"How come you noticed a girl like me.", she maffled while looking at her hands. Her voice was ineffectual towards Changbin's hearing.

"What?", he questioned.

"Nothing.", she awkwardly chuckled.

"Anyways, Mari. You have a trial within a week and I wanted to discuss a few things with you. For now, we'll forget about the crimes that weren't that much of a deal and focus on the ones that actually caused commotion. I'll have to bring the files and I'll also ask you why you did it and you'll have to say it a-"

"Time's up.", a police gaurd barged in. The time being up exasperated Changbin, which caused him to release a sigh. Mari slightly smiled at how frustrated Changbin was and it was all because of her. It wasn't like she found satisfactory in Changbin's worries, she found him cute how he was worried for her.

"I'll come again tomorrow, ok?", Changbin assured her.

"I'll be waiting... Changbin.", she gave him a strange smile, which held the words coming out of her mouth. Though, he was the one who had to persuade her to feel assured, it was her smile that did the magic instead.

At her words, Changbin reluctantly nodded as he was still processing her smile.


After meeting with Mari, Changbin proceeded to go to his office as he didn't want to waste anytime and get right to work.

For the next 8 hours, he looked up all the files which had Mari's name on them and made a separate folder for the ones that were needed for the trial. There were quite a lot of files and a person without any patience would just start to throw a tantrum if he were to count them, let alone read each one of them through.

After separating the file, he printed out all the papers necessary and settled down all the papers in chatagorized files.

He was so immersed in his work that he had forgotten about getting off of work. It was already 11 something however he was still satisfied with what he did.

On the other hand, Mari sat in the cell with thoughts which were acquired by her mind. She felt sorry to the world. All she ever did was bring trouble upon other people. How can she be someone that everyone loves. That everyone wants to stay with.

She had wanted to feel that way for a long time and it was Changbin who made those feelings equip Mari's heart. She felt relieved and thankful.

Yet, she still feared. She feared how, somehow, if Changbin fails, she won't be able to feel anything at all for a long time. She may not be able to see Hyori, love her, protect her.

No matter what feelings she equips, she won't ever be able to be together with Changbin. After all, she was a criminal and he was an officer.

They're supposed to be against each other.

The next day, Changbin visited her in the detention center. Along with him, he took all the files that he had made. He asked the head for aditional time under the excuse of investigation.

"Were those files made for me?", Mari was way too stunned to see so many files.

"Well, I made these. There were more in the computer.", Changbin said.

"Wow. And I thought I was free with it. I was barely getting by, right?"

"I guess.", Changbin chuckled.

"So, let's see here.", Changbin took out a bag which held many files."First up we got..."

For a while, they sat in the booth, discussing about the trial and the files. Mari also told Changbin about what she did as he had asked her to which made her feel like she got something big off her chest. Changbin also felt relieved to find Mari sharing everything with him so comfortably.

"So, you're going to say what you just said to me about this one and exclude the part where you're trying to be sarcastic, please. It's not going to help. And it didn't help one bit when I asked you and you just scoffed and lied with sarcasm all over your face and around you, I was going to punch you if you weren't a woman. I hated it.", Changbin complained.

Mari deadpanned as she felt slightly offended due to Changbin's words.

"H-hey, how am I not supposed to be ironic when all of you were living life so comfortably without a care in the world and without knowing what I had gone through? Plus, I didn't even know that you knew about my life until recently.", she defended herself.

"Tch. I guess so.", Mari scoffed at his reaction."Anyways, don't feel that way in the court or else you won't be seeing this handsome face again."

Silence. Silence filled the room for the next few seconds. His words had made her wonder if she'll really be able to see him after the trial, more importantly, if she'll ever be able to see Hyori again. Changbin also regretted saying those words as it had also made him think over the case.

Fear is what they're going to have for the next few weeks. Nothing else but fear of losing each other.

Will she be able to survive?

Will I be able to see them again?

Who should be protected and who should be comforted...


A/N: For the first time in forever. 😔
it's been so fucking hot. 🥺
Not even elsa could fix it. 😔
I wonder what princess I'll need. 😭

Probably lix's elsa era

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