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"Seo Changbin. I'm Kim Mari.", she smiled ear to ear.

"Kim.. Mari?", Changbin asked with confusion as he knew her by the name 'Hwang Ari'.

"You don't know what you did by helping Hyori. If you hadn't saved her, I wouldn't be here either. I'm only living because of her.", she took Hyori into her arms, lightly placing a peck on her forehead and gently brushing her fingers over Hyori's hair.

"Is she your daughter?", Changbin doesn't know why he'd ask that when it's basically obvious that Hyori is her daughter. Plus, she said she's only alive because of her and that's what mothers say. Though, he was also curious as to who could be the father.

At Changbin's question, Mari only chuckled, which made Changbin extremely confused.

"Well.. How about I tell you the next time we meet? Changbin?", she smiled. She knew it was a bad idea being friends with a police officer but she didn't care as he was the savior of her daughter.

Her answer only made Changbin more confused. If she wasn't her daughter... Then did she abduct her from someone? But why would she do that when her own life is a struggling mess.

"Thank you so much.", to her, right now, Changbin was an angel. She couldn't help but feel all kinds of good emotions because of him. She was glad.

"Mommy.", Hyori mumbled.

"Yes, baby? Mommy is here. I won't leave you again. I promise I won't let you go, just don't be stubborn next time and listen to me, ok?", she hugged her tightly.

"Mommy, I was so scared.", Hyori started to sob.

"Look, Hyori. Since you're such a good girl, God sent you a savior when you were having trouble. Shouldn't you thank Mr. Seo for that?"

Changbin was astonished by Mari as he never saw her like so. He always found her either stealing something or hurting someone. But again, he felt sorry for thinking that way because she was also human to feel emotions like sadness and worry.

"Hyori, when you grow up. You should be like your mom. No matter how she might seem from the outside, she's still a good person on the inside.", he ruffled Hyori's hair.

All that Mari could think of was, don't be like me, no matter what happens. I'm not a good person and I'm not the kind of person he might think of me as. After all, he doesn't even know me.


"Thank you so much.", Hyori and Mari bowed to Changbin.

"Don't bother. It was only necessary for me to help her.", Changbin gave Hyori a huge smile.

"I like people like you.", his heart skipped a beat.

"I like people like you, too.", Changbin smiled at Mari. She returned it.

"Sir! What the hell?! I told you to hold on to my cup, not let it go. You-", Chorong stopped as she noticed Hyori and Mari standing in front of Changbin. She bowed to greet them.

"Is she your girlfriend?", Mari asked with innocence as she didn't even know how much those words could hurt him.

"No. She's my auxiliary officer, or, in simple words, assistant officer, and friend. We were on patrol but she had to use the restroom.", Chorong gave Changbin a death stare as it was embarrassing for her, but Changbin only chuckled.

"Well, Changbin. I'll leave you to it.", she bowed."But before I go...", she took out her phone from her pocket."...your phone number.", she smiled. Changbin took the phone and typed in his phone number, saving it.

"I'll contact you if you want to meet again next time. Not that it's necessary.. But it'd be nice to see my daughter's, no, my savior once a month or two.", she smiled and bowed for one last time, bidding goodbye

"Wow, she's so dreamy. Who is she?", Chorong stared at the two figures that were drifting away, slowly.

"She is it.", Changbin answered, also staring at the two.

"You mean..", she paused, her hand automatically shifting up in front of her mouth."..no wonder you fell in love."

"But wait, doesn't that mean she's a criminal? If the higher ups find out that we weren't arresting or taking any action even after having one in a million chance, we'll get killed.", Chorong started to rap in terror.

"Don't worry. I'll take the responsibility of it.", Changbin calmly stated, still not taking his eyes off the two.

Hyori turned around to look at the two, waving her hand high up in the sky with the brightest smile on her face. That smile caused Changbin and Chorong to smile brightly. It felt nice for some reason.

"Sir, I wonder why you're like this. She may have the looks and all but her situation won't allow her to be together with you. Especially, since you're a police officer and she's a criminal. She's supposed to be-", Chorong stopped as she realized what she was about to say.

Yes. She was supposed to be in jail but Changbin couldn't help but let her go. He didn't know that if he did arrest her, she would be fine. She wouldn't have anything to worry about since Hyori would be left at an orphanage. Hyori would get food, a nice place to stay. Mari could also be at rest because she'd get food even if it doesn't taste the best. She just has to live, right?

"I don't want her to rot in jail. For some reason, she's precious to me. And I'm not after her just because of her looks, I feel sorry for her.", Changbin looked at the sea.

"Wah, is this a drama or what? Both of you guy's story is so sad and dramatic. If it were a drama, I'd totally recommend it to people.", Chorong teased Changbin.

"Chorong, you have to know that what is shown in a drama, can't be in the real world. A drama is a fantasy made by human themselves, meanwhile a real life is something tragic written in the fate of humans. No matter how happy you are, you will always have a certain amount of pain and sorrow in your life."


A/N: I feel cheesy after writing this last paragraph💀why do I feel so dramatic SEND HELP-

Anyways, don't believe what I wrote in the last paragraph. There are sometimes dramas based on real life stories. I just wanted to have that one moment where there's like a cool line, you know what I'm talking abt?

Caught You [ Stray Kids | Seo Changbin ] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz