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"Sir, you seem bothered since the last incident.", Chorong asked Changbin who was lost in his thoughts to even hear the girl speak.

"Sir? Sir? Oi! Sir! Hey!", he was still not paying attention to the girl."Seo Changbin!", he got startled.

"Did you call for me?", he asked, a bit surprised.

"Are you ok? You seem a bit out of it since the last incident.", she stated her worries towards him.

"Yeah, I'm fine.", he faked a smile.

"You don't seem fine at all?", she questioned more like made him realize.

"Well...", he stopped, glancing at his hands."...I'm fine.", he smiled again to reassure her.

"Wow. I'm hurt. I thought we had something, sir.", Chorong furrowed her brows, looking away from Changbin, making it seem as if she's hurt.

"Chorong, I just...", he sighed."...I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm here to listen if you'd like.", she didn't take her eyes off the computer.

"It's a girl.", he sighed. He knew that if he didn't tell her sooner, she'd be angry. His words made Chorong gasp.

"A girl?! God, should've told me sooner. What do you need help with? But first of all, who is she? What does she look?", all of Chorong's attention was on Changbin.

"It's not like that, Chorong.", he sighed.

"What do you mean, bruh? It's a girl. Don't you like her?", Chorong raised one of her eyebrows.

"Me liking her isn't the case I'm worried for right now. It's who she is. I'm worried for her. What if she ends up being somewhere I don't want her to be? Somewhere she won't be happy?", he sighed again.

"What does she do?", Chorong asked in curiosity.

"You're not going to take any action unless I tell you to, right?", he looked at her.

"I.. Won't.", Chorong was really confused as to why would Changbin say that. She knew that she can only listen to Changbin's commands as he's the boss of them all.

"She's the one who robbed the bank that day.", he looked at his desk, sighing for the hundredth time.

"How do you know her?", she asked.

"You'd think I'm weird.", Changbin chuckled.


"Sir, how do you intend to help her change her life? To be honest, I don't think it'd be possible after all the crimes she committed. You said it was an everyday thing and if it was an everyday thing and she'd been doing it since high school then it probably sums up to 1000+ crimes.", Chorong took a sip of her milk tea through a straw. They were walking as they were on patrol.

"I don't know. I'm honestly extremely worried for her."

"God, winter is coming and I hate it already.", Chorong sighed.

"Why would you hate winter?", Changbin chuckled.

"It just makes me lazy and it's also hard to do our job since it's so cold.", Chorong shrugged as she took a long sip of her milk tea.

"Well, right now, it's autumn, my favourite season.", Changbin smiled as he glanced at the leaves falling from the trees. He loved the color of autumn, the feeling of autumn."It's a fresh start.", he mumbled.

"Wait sir, I think I have to go to the bathroom. Hold this for me.", she handed Changbin her cup and ran towards a convenience store. Changbin chuckled as he saw her drift away in the store.

He turned his head to the left only to find the sea at a small distance.

It must be cold, he thought.

There was something drifting over the water. Changbin thought that it must be trash that people leave on the beach but the longer he stared at the figure, it didn't seem like any kind of trash to him. Instead, it seemed like a human.

"What the?", Changbin dashed towards the stairs, which lead to the beach. The cup in his hand had already fallen on the ground but he didn't care. He wanted to save a life, he had to.

He ran more and more closer towards the water and saw how there was a little girl crying for help. Changbin didn't care that he was wearing shoes and started to run towards the girl, grabbing her arm and slowly pulling her towards him. She was sobbing so bad and also hiccuping.

"Are you ok?", Changbin asked the little girl as he pulled her towards the sand. The little girl didn't stop crying.

"Hey, hey. It's ok.", Changbin wiped her tears and hugged her. Her body temperature was extremely low and she had to be taken somewhere warm.

"Hyori!", a woman yelled, running towards Changbin and the little girl. The woman seemed to have a box of donuts in her hands which she dropped after she saw the little girl with a man. She thought Changbin was a pedophile.

"What are you doing?", she was about to hit Changbin but freezed as she saw Hyori all wet.

"Hyori?", she kneeled down, cupping Hyori's cheeks with her hands.

"W-what happened?", the woman seemed terrified.

Changbin freezed for a second as he saw who the two were, Hyori and Ari.

"She was drowning.", Changbin got up, with Hyori still in his arms. She had her legs and arms wrapped around Changbin tightly.

"We need to take her somewhere warm.", Changbin turned around to walk towards the small commercial area.

"I-I know a sauna.", Ari was almost crying.

"Lead the way."

They both ran as fast as they could, both worried for Hyori to not be sick. Ari was so terrified that she started to cry. It was a rare sight for Changbin as he never saw Ari cry. She was always the one who would make others cry instead of crying herself. He wanted to hug her and tell her to calm down as well but he couldn't right now. They weren't that close.

After a few minutes, they were already at the sauna. Changbin ran towards one of the steam rooms and Ari went up to the counter to book one.

After booking the room for the three, she ran to where Changbin and Hyori were, glad to find Hyori fine, for now.

"Thank you so much.", Ari kneeled in front of Changbin but he helped her up.

"You don't have to bow. As a police officer, it's my duty to protect you guys."

Even if I don't want to protect anyone, I'd surely want to protect the two of you, he thought.

He also didn't know why he had such a deep connection with the two. It was as if they were his. Maybe he wanted them to be his.

"Thank you so much, um...", she paused as she didn't know his name.

"Seo Changbin.", he answered.

"Seo Changbin. I'm Kim Mari."



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