Hearing Jaine's words I could only sigh at that, since it just proved her own tyranny, which is hard to accept since from the little I just got, she appears to be the type of person that wouldn't do, but from both my Diary from my Father and Grandfather, and with Jaine's words, It's safe to assumed that it is true 

" Then what should we demand out of her then? " I asked, while grabbing a piece of paper to write our demands, and from the looks of it, they too also don't mind giving out 10 of our Best Blacksmiths, Artisans, Architects, Researchers and Teachers, which did cause me to smile a little ' Maybe we would be able to get through this '

" The question is, what does Blank-sama plan to do with those people? " Anrietta asked us the great question, on what she plans to do, but considering the people she wants, it's safe to assumed that she plans to create a Kingdom of sorts 

" It might be to create a kingdom of sorts " Jaine said, causing us to nod 

" But why though? As the Blank Primordial, she certainly doesn't need to, with her power and might alone, she could certainly forced Kingdoms to there knees if she ever so says so, and with her being a Daemon as well, she certainly doesn't naturally desire wealth, since as a Daemon, she would naturally desire power above all else though " Vaughn also asked the question to Jaine, who only sigh disappointedly 

" Sorry, but even I don't know that.. But, judging from the people she wants, it is a safe assumption that she does plan on creating a Kingdom, or at least a settlement " 

Well that unfortunate, not knowing the motivation for her to create a Kingdom would definitely put us on a disadvantage though, since her motivation might be of malicious Intent after all, but I also can't be aggressive with her though, since if I do, I'm sure that Dwargon would fall as a result 

' If she were to try to cause a World War with the Entire World, it's better for Dwargon to not apart of it ' 

I shall priorities my Nation above all else, if she were to try to make War with the Entire World, then at least my Nation would be safe from said War with her 

" The First One would be a Non-Aggression Pact with her Nation, we can not by any means necessary fight her, we would lose that fight.. For that we shall be entering a Non-Aggression Pact, does anyone object with this decision? " 

Seeing them shake there heads, Jaine then took the paper and written down what we would be proposing for the Daemon Contract 

" Then we should also proposed a Trade Pact with her Nation as well, since that way we would have a far more Intimate relationship with her nation, if we set a Great Agreement with them in that Area as well " Dorf proposed

Jaine only looked at Dorf and then to me " Gazel-sama, if we were to proposed for the Trade Pact, we need to consider our Quality of Goods as well, since with Blank-sama Long Existence, she would definitely know long lost arts of Production of Materials and Goods, so if we were to proposed this, we can only either pay with Goods that are as Good of a Quality as there's, or pay way more than the Initial value in Dwarven Coins, since the Knowledge and Secret of it upping the Initial value as well, and then adding the fact that it is also Blank-sama as well, just ups the value even more "

Hearing her words, it cause Dorf to looked surprised and then bowed down to me " Sorry your Majesty!! For my lack of Insight, I may have put Dwargon in a― " I stopped him right there and then spoke

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