Chapter 23

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The sound of the explosion made Miss Griselda scream in fright that she ducked, covering her head. There's confusion outside the car as she heard people screaming at the top of their voices. She couldn't tell whether they were screaming at each other or at what just happened.

She lifted her head and saw a cloud of dust and smoke in front of her. It's difficult to see what's going on. She looked through the window beside her in the back seat. The person guarding the car still stood there. But judging by his body language, he didn't know whether to run or just stay there. She looked to the other side and the other man guarding the other end, however, had his gun raised, ready for whatever might come. Miss Griselda now started to panic. She still can't get out even if she were to make an attempt.

Meanwhile, a few feet away from the car's rear, hid Kevin in the bushes in a squatting position. He could see the two men guarding the car. He already analysed the situation and knew whom to attack. All he was waiting for was the signal.

Rhénee, with her gun raised, walked into the cloud of smoke. She could already spot two men coming towards her, also with their weapons raised. Before they were given the chance to aim, she quickly fired at them each with a single shot. With the men down, she continued to move forward. With the gun in one hand, she reached for a flare gun at the back pocket of her jeans. She raised it up and shot at the sky. A small red flare shot up like a little firework. She quickly drops the flare gun and makes her way towards the trees for cover before anyone notices where she is.

Kevin saw the flare, and he knew that's his cue to advance. He could already hear some men head towards it aside from the two men guarding the car Miss Griselda is in. He slowly approached the car, going for the man who had his gun raised. As soon as he is out of the bushes, Kevin slowly stood. The man still hadn't noticed that there's anyone behind him. Without much delay, Kevin pointed the gun at the man's back and fired, alarming the man on the other side.

Miguel heard the shot and for a moment, he's scared out of his wits, trying to figure out what's going on. The shot came from the other side of the car. Before he could even draw out his gun, someone came behind him, and he felt something hard press upon the back of his head.

"Don't move if you want to live," came a man's voice behind him. "Drop the gun."

"Okay, okay," Miguel surrendered as he did as instructed, dropping the weapon onto the ground. The stranger came over to kick the gun away.

Miguel heard the car door open on the other side and there's someone there telling Miss Griselda to get out. This isn't good, Miguel thought. Should he do something to try and stop them from taking her? But he doesn't have his gun, and he knows the person pointing the gun behind him wouldn't hesitate to shoot.

"I got her," came another male voice behind Miguel.

"You go on ahead to safety as planned," came the man who pointed the gun to Miguel's head.

Miguel heard footsteps behind him fade away as whoever was with Miss Griselda took her straight into the bushes by the side of the bridge. He felt the man behind come up to him to grab the collar of his shirt.

"Walk ahead and don't do anything funny," said the man. Miguel could feel the nozzle of the gun on his back.

Miguel did as ordered. It's then that he realized that he's being dragged into the cloud of dust and smoke in front of him. Most of his comrades were still scattered, trying to find where their enemies are. It's pretty clear that Rhénee might even have an army for all they know. Miguel couldn't help but feel overpowered. How many of them were out there?

A few bodies came towards him, guns pointed. Miguel wanted to shout out to them not to shoot him, but the man behind him drew out his gun and shot them. Miguel looked on in horror at his fallen comrades, hoping that some of them were only injured. But he could barely see them move in this cloud of smoke. Miguel had been used as cover, and with all the smoke, his comrades couldn't see the man behind him.

Rhénee Johnson: Emelda's Sapphire (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now