Chapter 19

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"What's going on? I can't get through to him," Malcom looked down at his phone after trying to call Kevin. He received a message from him almost thirty minutes ago and for some reason, he can't get through to his phone.

He sat on his bed, careful not to strain his shoulder. He hoped everything back at Mr. Cowell's house is fine. After Kevin's message, he couldn't help but worry even more. He wished he could go there, but now that his mother had her eyes on him and his sister, getting out of the house just got harder.

He looked at his phone and tried to call Kevin again, but his phone still isn't going through. He thought of calling Rhénee, but thought again if it would be appropriate at this time, considering that she might be tired after what went on today. Kevin must have also told her about Mr. Cowell. And knowing her, she's probably there right now. He thought of calling her instead.

Before he could do so, he heard a knock at the door. He muttered to himself, irritated that someone was by the door when he wanted to be alone. He told the person to come in and when he saw his mother enter the room, he couldn't help but curse under his breath.

"Well, you don't seem so happy to see me," said Mrs. Derrand as he approached his bed.

"Maybe it's because I wanted to take a nap before you came in," Malcom calmly lied.

She stopped at the foot of the bed and stared at him. Malcom tried not to flinch in pain as his shoulder still continued to ache. He can't give himself away now. His mother would throw a fit.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I just came to check on you."

"As you can see, I'm fine."

Mrs. Derrand almost did a 180, when she stopped and turned back to look at Malcom. "Can you do me a favour tomorrow?"

Malcom raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"You'll be on leave for a week, right? I was wondering if you could go to Rhénee's house tomorrow to deliver something for me."

Now Malcom is concerned. What could his mother want him to give Rhénee?

"Why should I be the one carrying out that errand? You can easily tell the driver to do that, can't you?"

"Well, after the incident at the party, I didn't get to give her a gift." Mrs. Derrand made herself comfortable, sitting at the foot of his bed. Malcom hoped she wouldn't come closer. "And I've been busy dealing with the police that I completely forgot until I saw it in my room today."

"I know you've been busy and that you probably forgot, but why don't you do it? I mean, it's your gift to her, right?"

"Yes, I know. But I've to get back to work tomorrow and it would be nice if you would do this for me. Besides, you can use that time to get to know Rhénee better since we were rudely interrupted at the party."

Malcom raised an eyebrow. Why would his mother want him to get too familiar with Rhénee? Is there something that she wants out of it, he thought.

"And if I refuse?" he dared to ask.

"Don't try to be stubborn," she scoffed. "It's only natural that you should get to know her since we all knew her late grandmother. And she hasn't been in Madison in years. We've to make her feel welcome."

"But you and Emelda weren't the best of friends, you know."

Malcom knew he had struck a nerve because his mother stared at him like she would shoot lasers out of her eyes. But her demeanour quickly disappeared as she sighed and put up a smile.

"It's because of that that I want to make amends. I know she's gone and there's nothing I can do to patch things up with her. It's left me in deep regret. I feel the need to connect with Rhénee more, you know?"

Rhénee Johnson: Emelda's Sapphire (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now