Chapter 14

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The sound of her phone ringing made Greta jump in her seat; startled. She quickly withdrew it from the pocket of her jean jacket. Kevin was calling. She quickly swiped the answer call icon and put the phone to her ear.

"Kevin, did you find her?" Greta asked.

"Yes, we did, no need to worry," Kevin answered.

"That's a relief. Are you three all okay?"

"Well..., uh...," Kevin hesitated and Greta didn't like the sound in his voice.

"Kevin, if something happened you can tell me," she said. "Is anyone hurt?"

"We are all fine," he quickly answered. "We ran into some trouble, but we're fine."

"What kind of trouble?"

"We'll tell you everything when we return. How is Miss Griselda? Is she awake yet?"

Greta looked at the bed where Miss Griselda lay, still fast asleep. Greta smiled.

"No, she's still asleep," she answered. "Whatever Rhénee gave her knocked her lights out."

"That's good. She needs to rest."

"Where are you guys? Are you on way your back?"

"We are at Miss Marie's. We won't take too long."

"At Miss Marie's? What are you doing there?"

"Like I said, we'll tell you everything when we get back. You just look after Miss Griselda."

"Ya, sure."

Kevin cut the line and Greta placed her phone aside onto the chair she was sitting on. She really hoped everyone was alright, especially Malcom.

Miss Marie shifted her body to the side and for a moment, Greta thought she might wake up. But she continued to sleep. Greta felt relieved. She didn't want to be the one answering her if she woke up. She wouldn't like to hear that Rhénee had gone in search of the cottage all by herself.

Greta stood up from the chair. She was thirsty and needed water. She made her way to the door when her phone started to ring again on the chair. She quickly went back for it and almost dropped it when she saw her mother calling.

"What am I going to do? What am I going to do!" Greta asked herself in a panic.

She had to answer the call. She had a mother who is always suspicious of everything. Miss Griselda stirred in her sleep. Greta knew her phone's ringtone was disturbing her, so she had no choice but to answer.

"Hi, mum," she said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Finally, one of you answers your phone," came her mother's voice. "You and your brother left without telling me where you've gone."

"Come on, mum," said Greta, sounding annoyed. "We aren't little kids that we have to tell you where we're going."

"I know, but I'm still your mother," Mrs. Derrand answered sternly. "So, where did you go?"

Greta's eye twitched in irritation. She wondered if her mother would still be calling even when they decide to move out of the house.

"We were hanging out in town when I met one of my friends. I'm just looking around stores right now."

"And your brother? He isn't picking up my calls."

"I don't know, he must be somewhere."

"Goodness," her mother sounded just as irritated as Greta. "Maybe he's ignoring me like always."

Rhénee Johnson: Emelda's Sapphire (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now