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Request and plot: Lilmochi_13


Third Person's POV:

"Minnie! stop" Namjoon called out, running behind his eighteen-month-old brother.

Jimin let out a tiny scream and crawled faster, trying to escape his elder brother who was trying to feed him veggies.

"Gotcha!" Yoongi suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his path and picking him up.

Jimin wiggled in his hold, tearing up.

"Shh precious, don't cry." Yoongi whispered as he gently bounced his baby brother in his arms.

Jimin sniffled a few times, but the gentle rocking and bouncing calmed him down immediately.

"Did he not eat anything?" Yoongi asked Joon.

"He ate one cut up omelette and few apple slices, but he's refusing to eat vegetables." Joon replied holding a plate of mashed potatoes and steamed carrots.

"Okay let's try distracting him. Always works when Jin or Hobi do it." Yoongi said, reaching for the TV remote and switching it on.

The colourful images successfully caught toddler's attention.

Yoongi grinned proudly as Joon was able to feed Jimin without any hassle. But after a few bites, Jimin started getting fussy again.

"No~" he whined pushing Joon's hand away and tried to wiggle out of Yoongi's grasp.

Yoongi tried distracting him again with different items, but it didn't work.

"I give up" Namjoon groaned placing the plate on the table. "How do Jin and Hobi do it? They should've at least taught us how to feed him before they left." he grumbled.

"Let's call them later and ask. We won't be able to manage till tomorrow on our own." Yoongi said defeatedly as he watched Jimin who had twisted out of his arms and was now crawling on the floor, while giggling and chasing after his rolling rattle.

"Where are Tae and Koo-"

"YAH! JUNGKOOK YOU CHEATED!" they heard a shout.

"Well... I guess that answers your question" Yoongi chuckled.



Tae and Kook were both in the game room upstairs, and Jungkook had defeated Taehyung in a racing video game for the fifth time in a row. So, Tae started accusing Kook of cheating.

"YOU ARE JUST A SORE LOSER!" Jungkook shouted back.

A pause.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at his younger brother before smacking his back with a "don't shout at me."

"JOONIE, YOONIE...TAE-TAE HIT M-MPHFF" Taehyung closed Jungkook's mouth before he could complain.

"If you complain, I won't play with you ever again" Taehyung said, and Kook glared at him, but stayed silent when he removed his hand.

"Fine, whatever. Let's go eat, I'm hungry" Kook said walking downstairs followed by Taehyung.

"Hi Jiminie" they both cooed, rushing towards the giggly child as soon as they spotted him.

"Koo~" Jimin squealed, as he squished Jungkook's cheeks with his tiny chubby hands.

Jungkook giggled, booping his nose, causing Jimin to let out happy sounds.

"Jiminie forgot me... I'm sad" Tae said and started fake crying, which caused Jimin's happy expression to fall.

He moved towards Taehyung standing up a little to try and wipe his (fake) tears.

"No cly Hyun" Jimin pouted, but when Tae still kept his act up, the toddler thought that he had really upset his brother.

(A/N: 'Hyun' is what Jimin calls Tae, it's not short for 'Hyung'. I won't be using Korean honorifics in an English ff.)

Jimin sat back down with a thump covering his face with his hands and started sobbing.

Taehyung immediately regretted, and picked Jimin up, hugging him while ignoring the glare Jungkook was sending his way.

"No, no angel, don't cry please. I'm sorry I was just joking... see I'm smiling" he said pulling back and gave his little brother his boxy smile.

Jimin sniffled and held Tae's face with both of his hands. He then leaned forward and placed a wet kiss on the tip of his nose.

"No fair" Jungkook pouted when Tae got a kiss, and he didn't.

Jimin, probably understood, because he turned his head and smooched Jungkook's cheek too.

The three of them giggled.

Kook and Tae were about to walk to the kitchen with Jimin, but almost screamed when they turned around and saw Joon and Yoongi asleep on the couch.

"When did they fall asleep?" Tae whispered and Kook shrugged.

He walked to both of them and poked their cheeks multiple times, but neither of them even flinched.

Kook turned back to Tae and made a snoring gesture causing him to chuckle. Minnie looked at Kook and imitated his action, giggling later at the weird sound he made.

"Since Jinnie and Hobi aren't here, I guess they got tired from doing all the work by themselves." Tae stated as he stared at his snoring elder brothers.

"Thank God we escaped." Kook snickered, remembering how he and Tae ran into the game room and locked it as soon as breakfast was done, so they don't get caught up in housework.

"Yeah... but I think we should help them. Let's eat and do some chores" Tae stated walking into the kitchen, while carrying Jimin.

"Yess! Let's do laundry, I love it!" Jungkook cheered following Taehyung.

"Love it~" Jimin giggled, copying his brother.

Unknown to the dozing elder brothers, a disaster was about to happen.


Please don't be silent readers.


I 💜 you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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